Lohnt sich der Smart Controller von DJI?
Hallo zusammen ich wollte mir die DJI Air 2S kaufen,
Jedoch gibt es hier beim Bestellen 3 Paketoptionen
- Drone ohne viel Zubehör
- Fly More Paket – etwas Zubehör und ND Filter etc.
- Fly More Paket + DJI Smart Controller
Aktuell bin ich am überlegen zwischen Paket 2 und 3. Lohnt sich der Aufpreis für den Smart Controller? oder reicht das Handy vollständig aus?
Danke schonmal. Ich nehme auch gerne andere Empfehlungen (z.B kauf die lieber die Drohne damit hast du…)
You have to ask how many times you want to fly. If you get 3 batteries – but only fly 1x a month for 30min, it won’t hurt you. If you need the ND filter – it’s worth it – if not, then don’t stop. Do you understand?
The spark is somewhat brighter (as far as I know), but it does not really offer an advantage that justifies the extra price.
My opinion.
Take the two, too.
Is the phone loaded on the remote control? Or should you look that you have enough battery on your phone?
Can be hired as far as I know. Nevertheless, the battery should be full.
I have the Mavic Air 2. the phone is not loaded by remote control, but only connected for image transmission. But don’t worry: if the phone should suddenly be empty, the drone returns to the starting point. DJI is definitely worth his money. The Flymore Combo and the filter(I had to buy the filters for 120€) is definitely recommended.
Right! You have to start it via the remote control.
No, as far as I know, no RTH will be initiated when the phone goes out.