Lohnt sich der Gebrauchtwagenkauf überhaupt noch?
Grundsätzlich wird ja meistens empfohlen einen Gebrauchtwagen zu kaufen da diese den Größten Teil des Wertverlust bereits hinter sich haben.
Ist das bei den aktuellen Preisen für Gebrauchtwägen überhaupt noch der Fall?
Angenommen man hätte auch das Geld für einen Neuwagen. Lohnt es sich dann aktuell überhaupt einen Gebrauchtwagen ohne Garantie zu kaufen und das übrige Geld anzulegen?
Beispielsweise ist ein neuer Kia Ceed ab 19.000€ zu haben. Für 4 Jahre alte Kia werden immernoch 13.000€ oder mehr aufgerufen.
Einen neuen Seat Ibiza gibt es ab 18.000€ nach vier Jahren werden dafür noch 11.000€ verlangt.
Ein neuer Golf kostet ab 22.000€ noch vier Jahren noch 16.000€ obwohl es sich um das alte Modell handelt.
A new car is pure scrap today.
I recently bought a New Yaris 1.5 VVTi.
My wife desperately wanted another car, because for years it was easy, and women’s logic must eventually make problems.
Still three-cylinder, the old one was properly encapsulated, the current one is rough and loud, each Lada offers more comfort here.
All full of stupid electronics, three ,four functions meaningful,the rest only annoying.
Ventilation and heating even worse than in the old one, which was the only manko.
You have to drive with climate to get rid of the fitting, which makes the heating power too low.
Air pumping, a pure nerve thing, with initialization, or even a flashlight more.
The worst thing, however, is that the body is so badly stiffened, that leaning already makes a dent and that the impact with a shopping trolley (light touch, rolled in the gradient on) makes a real bump.
It used to be a tiny macke, like a stone strike.
Brake comfort and safety are also not improved, after 20 years to improve the already mature series.
The same applies even more to higher-class vehicles in general.
Please find yourself in peace and nationwide,the vehicle you would like to have,from proper ownership,less owners,according to low mileage (second car ,Rentner ,etc.)
In doubt, an expert opinion can be worth the money in the weighing for or against the car. !
Didn’t make extensive test drive before?
In fact, not because it was the only pure gasoline car in the series and was 400 km far away.
That was a mistake. I’ve never bought a car without a test drive.
Three-cylinders are not everyone’s thing
Beautiful comparisons, but forget about model and equipment.
After four years you will certainly not sell a bare 22,000€ base golf for 16,000€.
The same applies to Seat and Kia and all other car brands
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