Lohnt sich Daytrading für 20€?

Hey, ich möchte mehr Geld verdienen und habe nicht viel Geld zur Verfügung, ich habe gelesen, dass ein Startkapital von 20.000-50.000€ benötigt wird um von Daytrading zu leben, allerdings ist das unvorstellbar, ich könnte höchstens 100€ Investieren.
Zu meiner Frage:

Lohnt es sich wenn ich mich genauestens Informiere und das Trading gut/perfekt lerne und dann täglich mit ca 20-30€ Trade? Könnte ich so schnell mehr Geld verdienen, dass ich mit 50-80€ schnell mal pro Tag traden kann und mich so hocharbeiten kann oder würden sich die 20-30€/Tag nicht lohnen bzw zu wenig Gewinn machen?
Falls sich wer auskennt könntet ihr mir eine ungefähre Schätzung geben wie viel man im Monat machen würde wenn man mit 20€ pro Tag Tradet?

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1 year ago

First time:

Do demo and don’t overdo it.

Two. Then start with 100€, but you will lose it anyway because you have to deal with it first. (Emotions)

I have read that a start capital of €20,000-50.000 needs

This is soooo different and depends on many factors.

1. How much money do you need monthly?

Two. What does your hit rate look like?

3. What’s your Crv look like?

4. How does your risk per trade look?

You can also live with 10k of it. It is very different.

If I learn the most accurate informing and trading well/perfect

Of course it’s worth a ski.

and then daily with about 20-30€ trade? Could I earn more money so quickly that I can trade with 50-80€ quickly once a day

Unfortunately not. A doubling in the year is possible as a good trader SEHR. But not in a short time. Why do you have only 100€ available? If you’re doing a job for 3 months, saving everything and acting with it (of course, only if you can) then it’s gonna pay off.

would the 20-30€/day not be worth or make too little profit?

You can see it or something. In order to start practicing with greed and fear, etc, it is worth it. But to get serious gains more less.

If who knows you could give me an approximate estimate of how much you would do a month if you traded with 20€ a day?

As I said, this depends on 3 of the factors I named above. How high is your risk, how high your Crv and how high is your hit rate.

As a rule of thumb, however, I have the following: 5-15% a month are very easily accessible. All about this is to be compensated with a lower hit rate or more risk. But you can definitely earn much faster. There are really countless strategies… but as I said, 5-15% is very easily accessible when you can.

1 year ago
Reply to  zsxmpt

Sure, and a few years later, you’re a millionaire. That this is not going to happen should be clear with some logical reflection.

1 year ago
Reply to  zsxmpt

I’m glad I could help you.

Would it be a good idea to start with 100€ and deposit 50€ each month to my trading account

No, as I said, demo for 3-6 months. Even after that, it doesn’t make sense until you’re sure you can. But it still takes a long time. You can start with €500 and pay €200? Make sure you go this step only when you are aware of your faeces.

If I would do this for 1 year, after 1 year I would trade with 827,8€/month and after 2 years already with 2006.2€, after 3 years with 3536.50€, after 4 with 5287.95€ etc….

If that’s enough for you. Consider that it will certainly take 2 years to learn. In six years, you’re at 5300, and you’re probably not paying taxes?

This is only theoretical, but could it also work in practice if I were a good trader who knows what he does, or is that too far from practice?

It can always come a minus month or a heavy phase like a war or pandemic… but in principle, you have forgotten the taxes. 25%. This makes exponential growth much slower.

In order to speed up this process I would sometimes pay €50-200 instead of €50, so that more rewards would this whole project be meaningful and profitable or waste of time?

This is very profitable. As I said, I would start at €500 and pay €200. That should be possible very well. Then, if you live alone after 4 years, you can go down to part-time and after 6 years you may cancel completely.

1 year ago

Thanks for the star. If you have asked, set it up:D

1 year ago

It’s not even a runner, it should be clear with some logical thinking.

1 year ago

It’s only up to you, whether you get freedom in six years. Only you;)

1 year ago

In the daytrading you need so big sums, because the profit per trade is only a few (growing parts of one) percent. You can make your €20 in the best case at €21, minus fee you can buy a gum from the profit.

1 year ago
Reply to  HeyMB

What do you call big sums?

1 year ago
Reply to  HeyMB

5% in a trade is quite ambitious. More than 2%. Would be 40c. It will still have the 35c minus the fee.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

‘best case’

1 year ago

You don’t make a trade and make 5% and times 2% and times 8% and times 1% 🤦🏽

1 year ago

You don’t seem to have dealt with the subject at all.

With little use you can make credit spreads. With them you get even money at the start, and the risk you can define yourself.

If you want to do it as a day trade, the currently very popular 0DTE in the USA offers itself.

1 year ago

Hey 👋🏼,

The problem with Day Trading is that you can’t “learn”, the market is psychology. And as others have already mentioned, do a demo account and start with it. In my personal opinion, if you prefer to put the 20€ in shares or shares bets with max 10x levers, you will also get to the common brokers we TR or Scalable Capital etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tobi94728

Of course you can learn. Everything is a matter of experience.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

Sure, I didn’t mean that. But you cannot learn it like maths, because the market reacts to events and does not run according to a fixed scheme.

1 year ago

Technical analysis is rather a solid scheme.

But if, of course, big events occur, technical analysis is no longer good. But there are not so many times of crisis again.