Lohnt sich das mit nem Hybridauto bei mir?
ich fahre maximal 45 Km täglich mit dem Auto und spiele mit dem Gedanken mir ein Hybridfahrzeug zu kaufen. Golf GTE, Yaris oder Auris Hybrd sowas halt.
Die Problematik ist jedoch das Laden des KFZs. Ich wollte mal wissen wie die Möglichkeiten stehen das Auto von zu Hause aus zu Laden. Also über Nacht?
Was hält Ihr von meiner Idee? Ich bin um ehrlich zu sein nur auf das Thema gekommen, weil die Spritpreise einfach immer höher werden :/
Und was mich auch interessieren würde: Muss man die Batterien bei Hybridmodellen mieten oder sind die serienmäßig dabei ?
Vorab: Ein reines E-Auto möchte ich nicht und kann ich mir auch nicht leisten.
Hoffe auf Rückmeldung
LG Anja
I just bought an e-car. No hybrid!
The hybrid is issued a bad certificate, because the battery, even if it is small, increases with its constant weight, then also gasoline consumption. It is not just the battery, so a car has practically a 2nd motor.
If you can’t charge the vehicle at home then the next problem will arise. Where is it a charging station that can be reached in a few minutes walk. Can the car stand there overnight? Hardly! Others want shop.
There are reports that the electric drive of a hybrid is almost not used.
A pure e-car appears cheaper. If you can load it at home, which then goes overnight, it should be ideal for your 45 km. I’ve beaten: 390km/”tank filling” (50kWh) that costs a little more than €15. 50€ .
However, the “danking place at home” must also be reached first. There’s hardly enough a power outlet. 3 phases (current/force flow) are already more favorable. At 11kW the battery should be charged in 5..6 hours. The charging station costs around 500,-€, without handicrafts. It can be expensive.
Whether you need to buy or rent the battery depends on the manufacturer.
He writes:
He could probably afford an annual car.
The battery is standard. You have to decide what the possibilities are. Do you have a garage with a household socket or even the possibility to install a wallbox? Then you don’t have a problem… is there enough charging columns in your street? Then you have no problem… If both aren’t, it’ll be hard.
The idea is not wrong. At least to save some money.
If it’s a full hybrid, it doesn’t have to be charged extra. This is only the case with the plug-in hybrids. The charging time is not so long that it works from the normal home network.
For 45km a day, an e-car like the VW iD3 would be worth a lot more than a hybrid car. As you would have to look at the load, you would have to discuss with your local energy provider whether the corresponding capacities are available in the power grid, for the Wallbox there are as well as for the vehicle promotions that you can retrieve.
With the hybrid car you only have much more parts that can break, have to be waited, repairs and service cost increase and you always have to carry along, which is not beneficial to efficiency.
Ne my budget is there max 22.000€ and purely electric does not work with me. Since I have to drive 1600 km each year. And can also arise on the WE occasionally on longer trips. And I’m gonna have to turn back on gasoline. Therefore hybrid
Nonsense, if then named hybrid of Toyota, since you have both, need no charging columns (full hybrid), 10 years warranty and has not come from a group like VW 🙄
Nen Hybrid makes more problems than anything else, for the company we had 3 Toyota Corolla Hybrid, which were after 3 years total for the ton and more in the workshop than on the road. The two Tesla and the two eGolfs run as far as possible problem-free apart from the two tesla decorative strips, which were then renewed by Tesla without standing. The e-cars simply run comparatively maintenance-free. And quite honestly for longer rides the Teslas are also great, as we already have tours from Hamburg to Frankfurt and back with a charging stop (ate in time) of about 30 minutes. This goes super without problems and if you really want to drive 2 times a year a longer distance, you can just rent yourself a burner for the time. In the eGolfs we get a burner for free even up to 14 days a year if longer tours would be necessary. Nen Hybrid is a compromise with many, but not more.
Jain, Toyota makes this very skillful, in Pannenstatistics this is usually as good as never since these are always handled directly via the Toyota Service Warranty and not via ADAC and Co. We always have electronics problems, repeatedly broken starter generators and dead starter batteries, blackouts in the incineration tract and grate, flappers and co in the interior etc. Don’t misunderstand me, thanks to the hybrid service check from Toyota, all of this goes out again and again, the taxi companies then automatically get a replacement, we don’t as a normal company. That’s why it’s annoying partly because you have to re-plan. And on the highway they are not particularly economical to burn in comparison, only in the Start Stop city traffic. We are on the road with the electric cars more economical and maintenance-free (apart from the starting difficulties at iD3, which are now overcome).
Honestly, if there’s any idea of reliability and hybrids, that’s Toyota!
I don’t get an E car in the house, wouldn’t even have the chance to load it, neither at work nor at home, I’m very happy with my burner 😁👍
Diesel. For half your budget.
My Yaris (2014) had used about 4-5 liters / 100 km.
Approximately 4 on land roads, 5 at 120/130.
You can’t load it. It’s not a plug-in hybrid. The Auris neither.
Whether it’s worth it, you have to decide yourself.
Get a Toyota that has the most experience and offer you 10 years warranty!
Then why not a pure e-car?
I’m sorry.
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