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1 year ago

Without EK, it’s never worth it. the higher the loan amount the higher the monthly rate. In the case of high interest rates, this is even more important.

However, credit without EK will not be granted to you at all, because otherwise you cannot pay the monthly rate at any rate with your income.

It’s VERMUTET that the real estate prices will fall, but you don’t know. How to develop interest rates do not know

Mostly, however, it is so that you cannot wait for eternity with a real estate purchase if you want to live in it.

I need the house when the kids are small – they live in 15-20 years. When I wait and buy the house when the kids are teenagers, a house often doesn’t pay anymore. Then you’ll soon have 2 empty rooms you don’t need. then it would be more sensible if you wait until the children are pulled out and then look for something smaller.
You continue to pay rent. for 1000 € rent for 10 years, this is also 120k of rental costs you pay. or you pay €1,000 credit per month in time. You have to stop looking what an immobilie you get at 1000 € rate per month.

1 year ago

definitely waiting. Interest is at the highest level and the housebuilding prices will fall massively because the order books are becoming increasingly empty because construction projects that started in 2022 have been completed slowly and are not very successful.

1 year ago
Reply to  geheim007b

But not only new buildings are sold. There are also many existing buildings that are being implemented again and again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rainer135

and also there I would wait. As of 2018, loans with up to 100% interest were issued with 1% interest at just 1% redemption and 10 year interest rate bonds. If there are no sales, the question is how much the market can accept and whether prices fall. This, in turn, would result in reassessment of the real estate and would mean even higher interest rates or rescheduling in the securities.

So I would also be waiting to save as much equity as possible at the moment and until then.

1 year ago

What does that have to do with public debt?

Why are 3% interest = dead of Europe?

1 year ago

because, for example, the debts were a little smaller at that time. Permanent interest over 3% = dead of Europe. Or to say it with Dragis words: what ever it takes this is not going to happen, there goes completely south Europe hopps

1 year ago

Why isn’t that similar?

1 year ago

which is not comparable with today. Already the current interest must be reduced as soon as possible, but unfortunately also inflation. No matter how, it’s wrong. But you have to make the best of it.

1 year ago

yes, and we had times too, there were 10% and more taken. I remember very well,

1 year ago

A house to live in it is lost capital except you rent the property. But a private prefab house is the dream of almost all Germans.

1 year ago

Yeah, if you found a property.