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6 months ago

Hello – I’ll show you the differences & for what the X3D zpe’s (the “Central Processor Units”) were created.

Here you can visit the manufacturer’s network page again & see the individual categories where the specifications are in:

The processors with a “3D” at the end have been designed for graphics intensive programs (digital games count)! They have: AMD 3D V-CacheTM technology & this: What is the AMD 3D V-CacheTM in the AMD RyzenTM 7 5800X3D? (, you can read more.

Both processors compare: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X vs AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D: What is the difference? (

There are also: AMD RyzenTM 5 7600X3D Game Processor. Didn’t you see it or did you not even get it into question?!

One more to the intermediate memory, which is called “cache” in the foreign language English. I’ll list them so that there’s no misunderstandings:

  • The memory on the main latin, is the largest buffer of the system & if you want to dock, you can now have nothing more than 32 gigabytes (plural)!
  • The buffers located in the feed, in the lines L1 to L3, are indicated in kilobytes (plural) & megabytes (plural).
  • Notes with the GraKa that at least 12 gigabytes (plural) have buffers at GDDR6 whose “width of the interface” is at least 192 bits (plural). Desto is higher this value, the better/strengther the graphics performance is off!

Since there are several things to do with your stationary game computer to get even more power out, I will finish the topic here for the first time, as you only wanted the difference between the processors knowledge. If you want to know more, just ask me.

Until the days.

6 months ago
Reply to  1976ECO

A brief & concise answer would have been completely sufficient with regard to the question of the FS, but with your novel text you went past the question – as always, how you know that.

6 months ago


the upgrade is worth it. Since your current processor is still solid and fits well with the graphics card, I would still wait. A Ryzen 7 9800x3D would then be an option.


5 months ago
Reply to  Technomanking

That’s the way it’s supposed to be a flat-rate information.

6 months ago

Download MSI Afterburner.

Hide FPS and graphics card usage in the game.

Is the graphics card fully loaded? Then the 7800X3D doesn’t bring anything. Because if the graphics card creates 100 FPS, for example, with full utilization, it will no longer be able to do so. Not even with a faster processor.

So you have to decide individually and depends on your games.

I’m sure the 7600 is potent enough to feed an RTX 4070 S in 1440p.

5 months ago


For the first time, you can only say that if you know more about applications, claim, monitor, residual hardware.

The 7600X runs in 1440P just at the AAA and Standardgames border. In CPU-loaded games it will be tight.

I’d wait for the 9000erX3D.

6 months ago

It’s a good difference between the two, but now spend a lot of money again (which has been more expensive lately) for a Ryzen 7800X3D is not really worth it even if you can sell the 7600X in a good way.

Now I’d wait anyway and see what’s coming with Ryzen 9000. The “normal” processors are not the hammer now, but maybe another X3D processor comes in this series.

6 months ago

The 7600x gets loosely fed a 7600x.

It would only be worthwhile if you only play CPU lasting games (especially shooter) on E-Sport Level and therefore every FPS is important to you