Lohnt es sich vom Gymnasium zur Realschule zu wechseln?
Also ich gehe in die 8. Klasse vom Gymnasium und mich stresst es voll. In der Grundschule hatte ich nur 1er und dann dachte ich mir,dass ich beim Gymnasium und gute Noten bekommen werde. Seit 1 Jahr ungefähr stresst mich das total!! In einer Woche gefühlt 10 abfragen, 2 exen für die man lernen muss und richtig viele Hausaufgaben und Schulaufgaben. Man hat 0 Freizeit und daher möchte ich vielleicht auf die Real Schule wechseln. Eigentlich sind meine Noten im Gymnasium gut. Meine Freunde von der Real Schule (Also die von der Grundschule die ich noch kenne) meinen zu mir ich kann dann die Fach Ober Schule machen kann und somit dann mein Abitur machen kann. Was sagt ihr?
At the real school you will get problems with the 4th core subject from the 7th cl., which is tested at the end and does not exist at the gymnasium. Ideally, your foreign language combination fits.
By the way, you can go to the 11th. Kl. would also be transferred with medium maturity from school.
If all this becomes too much for you, of course, you can switch to real school. You have all the possibilities to make your full school on a professional college.
That’s an alternative. Later you can switch to the gymnasium in the upper level.
So if I’m totally stressed, I’m just going to change and get back to high school?
That would be a good solution for you.
Okay I think thank you
Well, it would be possible to switch to the real school first and then to visit the upper secondary school. However, I would like to point out that the high school does not become easier with increasing progress. If there is too much pressure and effort in the eighth grade of your opinion (which is a totally legitimate assessment, after all not everyone is made for it), then the re-entry of real school to high school will not be a simpler and may challenge you even more than the school now. So, if your goal is to make an absolute degree, I would advise to stay on the gymnasium. If you could also live with a real school degree, I would recommend changing to a real school. In doubt, you have lost nothing and can always catch up with the Abitur, it will only be more difficult, as described, than without school change.
Yes, if it gets too hard you have to change. Many change in the 8. Great because it gets too hard for them.
thanks for the answer. Actually, it’s not hard for me. It’s just the stress. So I’m often not good when I’m thinking about writing a school job or something
G8 or G9.
G8 is just something for flyers who want to get ready very quickly without need. It’s the cut.
In our city you have no choice, there are only G 8 – unfortunately!
I don’t think so. Do not wish where school + upper level (e.g. Gymnasium) is effective G8 and not G9.
This is not the case again. G8 is good if you want to.
There are children in our family who go to school there. So don’t blubbert if you don’t know the situation.
And that’s something from an expert, that’s all.
Read for me like this: You don’t know how to get to the upper level after the real school, e.g. on a professional. Gymnasium. Please inform. Then you will notice that your original statement is defakto wrong.
I don’t care if you think so. With us there is real school and high school, namely G8.