Lohnt es sich überhaupt, noch Jura zu studieren?

Hab iwie gelesen dass es der Wettbewerb unter Absolventen hoch ist und einige Juristen arbeitslos sind (hängt das mit der Note und der Spezialisierung zusammen?) Stimmt das überhaupt?

Oder hat man eine hohe Jobgarantie, wenn man beide Examina schafft?
Kann da jemand was dazu sagen, der da Erfahrungen gemacht hat oder sich in dieser Branche auskennt

EDIT 1: Kann da jemand auch zusätzlich sagen, welche Rechtsgebiete besonders nachgefragt sind

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4 months ago

Jurists still have good career opportunities, provided they reach a predicate note, especially in the 2nd State Exam. However, this is not easy to get.In general, legal studies require a high amount of work and good abstract-logical thinking. You should already gain practical experience through voluntary internships (e.g. in a law firm). Above-average computer skills can open up additional career opportunities. This also applies to special knowledge in certain legal areas such as media law or EU law.

4 months ago

BenniXYZ brings it to the point. Special craftsmanship. they are looking for urgently. And electricians are pretty strong.

But other craftsmen are also very much in demand. chefs, for example. Or also gas/water installers or plumbers. The craft offers you hundreds of offers. Since perhaps the employment agency asks and lets itself be advised in what profession there are most opportunities to earn good money.

I think a law school lasts 5 or 6 years. Then you have to start small. Apply to various law firms. If you get the supplement somewhere, you’ll be “protected ass in the last limb”. The big cases get or take naturally the established lawyers, then you get the “Lappalien”, traffic offences, lease disputes, labour law disputes, etc.

Of course, if you’re getting in there right now and win litigation for litigation, you can get bigger cases soon. But it’s a long way to go before you earn the big money.

On the other hand, craftsmanship offers a better opportunity to earn good money more quickly. A master’s education after teaching and perhaps a self-employment afterwards would of course be a good option. Of course you need to know what you want to do. And that’s where the employment agency could help you.


4 months ago

If you want to do what’s worth, you should become a craftsman, master and then own company. Best electricians. They’re looking for change. If you build vacuum monitors in fireplaces, it can hardly be one.

I think law is a basic study. Still in your studies you decide for one of the very numerous directions. But you must want and like that. Just because you think that making a lot of quick money isn’t good. It’ll be a long way before you earn money as a lawyer.

4 months ago

If you doubt and don’t believe in yourself, it’s definitely not worth it.

There isn’t a job-granty….where did you get the nonsense?

4 months ago
Reply to  Kongolo816

For capable no problem to find what…but not everyone who exists the exam is capable and really good.

4 months ago

Well… a lot of success!

4 months ago

How do you explain the failure of the family doctor?

4 months ago

You won’t believe it, but there are people who have a super memory and can learn well, but if you’re practicing them, they don’t get on their feet or can’t sell themselves…what will you use all the knowledge? …is for the ass!

We also had an incapable doctor in the community… nobody wanted to go to that, then he did.

4 months ago

Success as a young lawyer depends on the connections that are made before and during the referenda.
This is the only way to get a job in a successful firm.

Just make yourself so independent, you can forget because you will hardly find clients. People who need legal assistance usually apply to successful law firms and not to unexperienced Newbees.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kongolo816

Yes, of course, larger companies also need lawyers for the legal department, or in the public service.

During the semester holidays in law firms take a holiday job.

4 months ago

Of course it is worth