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One Piece is still being produced in Japan.
Whether it’s worth your decision, no one will be able to help you. Don’t find the story interesting and you’re too long. Then let it go.
No one can tell you that because the fun is not over.
Maybe the mega-cray end with big plot twist, all of which get out of the socks. Maybe it’ll be a boring 08/15 end, which is predictable for months.
But I can tell you that it is worth looking at OP. The whole trip, the whole development that have been through the characters etc. Even if the end is to be unexpectedly shit, it is worth seeing the series anyway.
So One Piece can’t be seen at the end as he’s airing. I am up to date with the anime and manga and can only say it is definitely worth it. But if that’s too long, you don’t have to. You have to decide.