Lohnt es sich noch arbeiten zu gehen als Angestellter?
Meiner Meinung nach, ist Bürgergeld besser. Bei Mindestlohn arbeitet man aktiv für vielleicht 3€/h denn 1k kriegt man sowieso gratis.
Empfinde ich als totale Ausbeutung.
Meiner Meinung nach, ist Bürgergeld besser. Bei Mindestlohn arbeitet man aktiv für vielleicht 3€/h denn 1k kriegt man sowieso gratis.
Empfinde ich als totale Ausbeutung.
Ich verdiene 2808€ Brutto und komme ohne Lohnsteuer auf 2500€ netto kommt das hin ? Kriege 15% Nachtzulage und 16,70€ die Stunde
Habt ihr das Bedürfnis, euch bei euren Chefs zu bedanken, nachdem ihr euer Gehalt erhalten habt, auch wenn es gar nicht nötig ist?😭😭
Brauche für meine Ausbildung ein Führerschein. Mir wurde gesagt ich muss es innerhalb der Probezeit machen sonst werde ich gekündigt. Aber im Arbeitsvertrag steht nichts. ist das rechtswidrig?
Ich arbeite neben meinem Studium leidenschaftlich in der Tanke. Dafür erhalte ich bereits minimal etwas mehr als alle anderen Kollegen. Da im nächsten Jahr der Mindestlohn steigt, möchte ich im Dezember meinen Lohn verhandeln bzw. eigentlich eher anpassen. Das Ding ist, durch meine Arbeitserfahrung in meiner ‘Hausbranche’ bin ich eigentlich überqualifiziert für den Job und…
I like many of your views, but sometimes you exaggerate. You cannot talk about “workers who go to work and earn 4,000-5,000 euros” and compare them to DIR.
First of all, you will also have to continuously generate EUR 184-231 per Mo-Fr (i.e., per stock exchange day).
Did you do that yesterday? And yesterday? And Monday? Did you win 540-700 euros in the 3 days?
And do you do this today? Will you win 184-231 today?
Only when you have managed this for 2 years in a row, even in turbulent stock exchange times and on extremely unusual stock exchange days, you can compare it one (DICH) to the other (workers).
Greetings… and that’s not badly meant.
Understand what you mean.
Today, the first day I’ve been doing this for a long time.
My opinion remains that I would rather take BG than hired. No matter what conditions.
I, today 64, have been “on the stock market” since 1985 and have invested in shares (and since there are, also in warrants and co-certificates). I bought Google shares at the IPO and owned Bitcoins for a short time when you were far below 1,000 euros. And I have experienced many young people in these 38 years, especially in 2000. A lot of people thought like you. And after 2-4 years, they sounded quite different. The same applies to poker players, Dropshipper, Closer, etc.
As far as self-employment and entrepreneurship are concerned, I am here in the forum one of the great advocates of this kind to generate his money. That’s why I share some of your views.
But the radical “being against workers” I think is excessive and UNNÖTIG.
Use the time to become a good entrepreneur, build a top_company and generate so much passive income in 4 years that you need to work NIEMALS in your life.
But not with trade. There are some things you don’t start with: trade, dropshipping, self-employed insurance agent, bar owner, restaurant attendant. You can do all that at some point, but not at the beginning! Of course, only my opinion.
Yes, trading is very suffering from all snowball systems. I’m very sorry. This has nothing to do with trading, but is network marketing. I always warn.
Maybe it’s so for many, but I didn’t start trading to be rich after 2 months.
Why are you telling me that? I know this lazy bum that stops right after they once fell. Anyway, I’m not one of them. I do it to be free. Not to make money fast.
I had severe depression after 1.5 years of training. I’d have died more than I’d get a day for the boss. And that’s good, because as an employee I don’t dissatisfaction. If nothing else left me, I would probably kill myself in 5-10 years because I don’t want to live for the boss.
This text is NOT about you, but the young people I mentioned in my contribution. If one of them were my son, I would tell him:
Like many young people, you might be able to get rich in the shortest time and/or with minimal effort before the enticing idea. It is a tempting idea, especially in our fast-paced time in which success stories of young millionaires everywhere which seem to have made their fortune overnight or quite loose. It could easily be concluded that traditional working methods – like a 9-to-5-job for a monthly salary of 3,000 euros – are no longer contemporary or even unattractive. Especially when there are these “genial” systems out there that promise to generate huge profits with little use.
This idea can be particularly tempting when compared to the everyday challenges and routine of conventional jobs. It quickly creates the image that one could easily find a quick way to wealth instead of having to do it daily. But it is important to understand that genuine, sustainable success is usually the result of hard work, perseverance and a lot of readiness. There are always exceptions, but hoping for them can be risky. Every “genial” system that promises effortless wealth should be questioned critically. Because if it were really so simple, wouldn’t everyone do it?
Many of these “fast wealth” offers are often too beautiful to be true, and behind the scenes there is often another reality. Some of these systems are based on the principle that the first few benefit, while those later added have the chance to see. This is not only morally questionable, but in many cases also legally questionable.
In addition, it is essential to remember that true satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment often do not only emerge from monetary wealth. The process of setting goals, working for them and finally reaching them contributes significantly to a fulfilled life.
If you’re constantly looking for the fast money and jumping from a supposed “secret tip” to the next, you might finally realize that you have money in your pocket, but not real passion or fulfillment in your life.
In addition, you should have the valuable skills and experiences you have collected in a traditional jobDon’t underestimate. In many cases, these can form the basis for future ventures, whether in self-employment or in other professional ambitions. The ability to work in a team, to adhere to deadlines, to communicate with customers or to manage a project from the beginning to the end are invaluable skills that you do not learn overnight.
At the end of the day it is important to find a balanced way. There’s nothing wrong with looking for innovative ways to earn money or build a business. But it is equally important to be aware of realityto be patient and persistent and not to put all eggs in a basket. With a balanced mix of passion, hard work and an open look for new opportunities, the world is open to you. But always remember my son: True success stories are rarely written overnight. They are the result of devotion, perseverance and often also a little sweat and tears.
I believe you, and sometimes I waste my time. I’m just so much against this suspicion that I hope to get some people back into reality with provocative statements. But I should focus on myself.
I don’t know what you’re talking about “a lot of people thought like you” how do I think? There are often misunderstandings. Many think I’m naive, what’s wrong at all.
I love trading and I’m very good in there, you can have your opinion and if it worked for you nice and good. But this works for me. I’ve come a long way to take care of myself. That’s a nice feeling. Lost money at first, and now I’m just about to take care of myself. And not only “just like that” but good. I won’t give up if I’m on the target line. Especially since I love it too. Why should I?
Any future employees & employees*
the one
at least 3 to 3.5-year-old nationally recognized vocational training successfully completed and completed
more than a minimum wage – even if at first it is only 10-15% more than a minimum wage, you get it!
This is the absolute minimum to earn more than 1…2…3,50€/h over minimum wages in the medium/long term over the years – but also to get into a job and the first labour market.
There is also a free choice if the above-mentioned concluded later to develop 6…9…12-months to get even more 2-3€/h.
As mentioned, many start with only 10-15% over minimum wage – also skilled workers
There is also the possibility of implementing a vocational training course in order to earn even more.
I also got no 2….3…5k net wage
In the medium/long term, if you want more than just a minimum wage or 10-20% above this – collective payment such as IGM,Chemical industry and comparable times outside, you have to demonstrate today a minor qualification >3-3,5-year-old completed vocational training or better > completed multiannual (4…6-years)higher education.
Wouldn’t make any difference in my eyes, I just don’t like to be hired.
What has been employed in my contribution to doing qualification?
Because you’re talking about hire.
A few good points!
I think you’re very presumptuous…
I myself work as an employee just above the minimum wage…. when my husband hasn’t earned so well, we were boosters at the job center…. but we’ve always worked.
Yeah, after the turn, I’ve thrown my training, wanted to live, thought it’s gonna be okay…. I was as old as you are now.
But then really life came in, I didn’t do any training anymore… but I am happy in my profession, and that without self-employment… I simply lack financial retention and courage…
You’re 18 years old, you’ve inherited something, and now you’ve been spending foreign money…. and that for two months…. but what happens when life comes in your planning?
You know, I can make it any money… all chic…. but if someone at your age who hasn’t really got a shit (sorry), get that on the sack…. I’m gonna get my neck hair up.
So I inherited my entire fortune or what? Well, you know me so well.
I don’t want any foreign money for two months. Today my first day is actually. I’ve been on the stock exchange for more than a year. Where did you get the two months?
I’ve been through a lot. I earned 17 part 1600€/day. In March I had my high case where I lost 6500€. I have a lot behind you, I find it very presumptuous of DIR to put up such claims. You’re not right with any point, and you’ve pulled everything out of your nose.
I have read your questions or answers…. then you just inherited “something” money… nice… but I’ll leave everything else…
That’s right. I didn’t think so… that’s why I dropped the training… And I don’t care how you end up… we won’t get to know it here anyway.
Right… because things have happened to me in my life, I couldn’t have thought out at that time.
Right… because today I work in a profession I could never have imagined…. But I can help people today who have also happened things that they could not have thought out. All right…
I wish you that your life is as you imagine that your plans will not be scattered by real life…. and you will need help from someone who gets enslaved.
You quit your teaching from jux and Gaude. I don’t. And you think I’m gonna end up like you because I’m living in between. Oh, you can’t think about it.
I quit teaching to achieve my goals. You didn’t, you probably just didn’t have a jack anymore. If it were different, you wouldn’t let yourself be enslaved for so little money today….
Everything else you leave? 😂
All right. Then I’ve had foreign capital u18 (made full of sense) and never had relapsed 😂 horny. Thank you for making me work and making me laugh with your comments.
Exploitation is if you live at the expense of the other and are even lazy on the skin.
because then you would exploit the hairdresser who cuts the years, the electrician who cares you have electricity in the apartment, you the staff at Aldi that will make you buy something to eat there. They would have to work with you and also make a part of their income to you.
Apart from that, everyone can earn more than minimum wage with a little gripps and fleis idr. Maybe not immediately entered but later when you’ve proven yourself in the job
Yeah, well, if you take civil money, you’re a lot of burden. Is worse, but I agree with you.
However, exploitation takes place in every establishment, not only citizens’ money receivers are exploiters.
Citizens’ money is not free, nor will it be after you. If you are physically and mentally available for the labour market, the job center will bring you back.
You’ll have no rest with 18 in particular. You’ll have more stress with the authorities than in a job…
I was unemployed at 17 for just under 6 months (at least officially). Nobody did anything.
Now they can’t get on my nerves.
Philosophically, it’s crap. Take a look at “categorical imperative” and maybe you realize the idea is crap.
Although the philosophers have done nothing but to speak wisely all day.
So you’re not a model. The society can show that it doesn’t find that good. Life is likely to run quite silly. If you have a stable full of children and let the woman work, it is still halfway recognized. Without a woman and without a child, the question arises as to whether it was a bad idea when trying, although you could not work.
On the other hand, “trying makes noise.” Just try it out! Either you find your life better or you work much better than before. So you can only win.
Just so that you don’t blame me afterwards: if you just stop working (why quit?) he won’t get the next day basic security. So before the first step, you should check who pays your rent tomorrow and what you live tomorrow. Whether this works with basic security without permanent residence, you can find information among the bridges in big cities and in residential homes. Be nice to the people. You’ll be your new friends.
I’m fresh 18, I have no rent to pay.
I’m not hired, I don’t care for money.
I’m self-employed.
Just wanted to ask how people see this.
They have time to get around in forums.
Most of the employees will keep it more with the philosophers and not see basic assurance as an alternative, because almost everyone wants to move forward (that is, not specifically in the profession but somehow) and that is also seen by him as the deposit track.
As a self-employed person (I am the boss of a company that belongs to 60% me, so similar) you also have the opportunity to say no. Because one is aware of his responsibility as a boss as well as a self-employed person (the customer, possibly also the employees and suppliers, family and so on), the much less often say no than they could actually.
You don’t understand the world if you don’t understand that it has developed into what it is today. The Greeks, Christianity, but also philosophers like the Kant mentioned by me have formed something in which the least questions are whether to work or not.
With Bergauf I resemble from 80k foreign capital, which I came to 2.5k yesterday and today.
Delicious as it will depress you;)
Why become stockbrokers? I don’t want to be a broker anyway. I’m just acting.
I earned 2.5k yesterday and today. Does that make the azubis? Rather not big…
That’s how your statements prove
(from a question that has been deleted by now)
and here
When you write “Now it goes neatly uphill“” is this “uphill” now between 510 and 810€ (is there already a “orderly” increase)?
Delicious as you play the clown here, ripe for the infamous live broadcasts by RTL, in which the caste in front of the world can be fooled – often without even notice!
You can’t read correctly, but you want to become stock exchange brokers with 18!
I wrote: “For boys, puberty can be on 20. Year of life [!] last.“!
Most azubis earn more at your age!
What a terrific starting point for a stock exchange trader! 🤣😜
Eben “can” go until 20.
I don’t know how to see me.
Yeah, I don’t argue. My merits last months were between €500 and €800. Now it’s going uphill.
Find me like you want.
Well, you know.😜🤣
In the case of boys, puberty can be over 20. It’s a long life.
Ah yes, that’s why you’re so obsessed with your boasting.
Tatsacich? You are really brilliant, because some time ago your question was “550€/mtl. good as 17 years old?“
I once wondered how you’d think I’d get excited about you?
I find you childish-smiling at best! 🤣😜😂
I haven’t been big in puberty for a long time. I’m not superb either.
It’s ashamed as to see me, I’m mainly about opening my eyes to other people that they make themselves self-employed. I also define myself through different things.
“How stupid for you!” It’s like I said. There are countless users who get excited by my increasing success (among others you) that’s enough for me.
Do you seriously believe in your puberty discretion, I’d “excite”? You’re too important!
It’s only noticeable with which penetrance you’re trying to figure out what a “good pike” you are. You’re just a poor important thing that seems to be able to define money, wealth.
You don’t have anything from your silly boasting here because everything is anonymous. How stupid for you!
You’re fine… you’re fine.
A vocabulary like “to drive” is negatively connotated.
If that wasn’t meant – okay.
It’s just bullshit!
What do you think? Do you think I would be jealous of such a Hansel as you, who, with his absentee remarks, is obviously only about brazing to revalue his ego? I don’t have to do so for finance!
I’m happy if I can choose if I have 5metabolites or tent.
Anyway, I work for my freedom.
You might be free. But until at least 18 you were a slave. After that, a certain amount of time will be longer.
I was born free. If I wanted, I would have stopped working more than 25 years ago. I don’t know so many people who have to work. Those who have stopped at some point don’t live into what I want to trade.
Money is… nice. Lucky you won’t be less in the tent than in the 5-star hotel.
I want to be free, I can only do it with a lot of money.
Studying or something doesn’t take me any further, but only further away.
There are different worlds. Of course, I’m happy if one of the kids is in something among the best in D or Europe. But I still think it’s better that they study and if they like to have a doctoral degree or habilitation. As you write, I think money deserves to be completely inappropriate.
“Who do you want to be?” is the question. Money is not detrimental but earning money tends to distract in my world.
In another world, it’s quite different.
Counter question: Do you feel worthy of the statement? In any case, it was not meant in one direction or in the other direction.
Well, you can choose. But don’t matter, I don’t have to.
Yes, I’m not paying for pension insurance now. When I was 17. I was officially unemployed. Exchange is from 18.
What are you gonna say? Don’t understand what you want. My fortune is now 17k. Among other things, a heritage that I received with 18. I’m not proud of it, trzdm is my fortune.
And what do you want to say about me?
I meanwhile deal with 80k of foreign capital. Is this still “possible” clear, I can’t past it but it’s very good. Tomorrow I can deal with the 80k large;)
You used to laugh and now I’m here. Must feel stupid or?
And you yourself??
As if that was something you could choose.
A month ago, when you were 17 years old, you have not yet paid into the pension insurance so that you can act “principal” on the stock exchange (with a “delay” of €6,000), which obviously solely revolves this issue and “inspired” to countless questions about it.
And before that you asked the question
They are. Why shouldn’t she, hardly one at my age has reached as much as I do.
Luckily you’re not one of my children. But I think your parents are proud of you;)
Sure, I know what you mean.
In any case, I’d rather be a citizen’s money. But the question doesn’t ask me anyway. I’m good at the time. My goal is to crack the 50k by the end of 18.
I’ve earned a lot of money. Of course it is worth working as an employee.
So from 2 children + woman is citizens’ money better. No.
This is also, of course, wrong!
Being dependent on citizen money is never “better”!
If I express it differently : You as a man go to work for 15 euros gross and get rid of woman + 2 children. If you don’t go to work, you’ll have as much money.
For people like DU and ICH and also 4-5 of my colleagues who have this relationship, too. But you know that some of them do not have that morality.
It’s about more than just money!
If you don’t want a perspective and no life and work as an employee for the minimum wage, then and only then you have something right.
Well, the opinions go outside. I wouldn’t want to be employed for my part.
Who prevents you from qualifying and thus rising from the minimum wage?
Mimimi I’m earning nix, I’m going to be lazy. Learning to be diligent, WORKing exams exist? Mimimi, wants nix, wants lazy civic money…
You’ve never worked before. How do you know?
I’m sure that’s what you think of knowing my life?
You’ve always been asking the same questions for weeks.
Full support and thus no statement of my own.
Never in life as a young person, if you are not integrative with your uncle in the vegetable market or otherwise in state- remote clan structures.
Family pays for accommodation and your personal diet a little different from the state in the case of wealth.
Family has to count on you. If the yield is then only available “hand money”.
I’m not putting the same. They often go about the same subject.
But that’s why I’ve never worked? Geile logic!