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2 months ago

The Abitur is always worth whatever you do. You will have (almost) better chances of a job. You can’t get the Abitur for free, but you have to do something. So the question is more whether you want or/and can.

2 months ago

It’s just worth it. You get an admission to the university when you pass the exam, where you are hammered on mainstream, because only such a so-called academic deserves his money. Only if he faithfully performs her work to the state and says to the government yes and Amen.

If you’re lucky, you’ll get your creativity as a craftsman because it can happen at universities that your creativity will be brought to you.

I knew a successful painter who had less success after studying art.

If you really want to do Abitur, then don’t believe any crap they want to make you cry.

A lot of cheese is also taught.

2 months ago

So pure for a craftsmanship, you don’t need a lesson and there are still people in the craftsmanship who are more of the opinion that they are overqualified for this. So if you want to do such a training, choose this path. If necessary, you can still catch up with the Abi later.

2 months ago

You have more opportunities to study, for example. And even more and more crafts apprentices continue to school after the middle maturity before they started training.

If your medium-life notes aren’t so great anyway, don’t necessarily apply to training, but as plan B or C on a (vocational) gymnasium (all HS) or Vocational college (FH maturity) apply if it becomes nix with training. Then again in the next school year try to find a training.


2 months ago

Take Abi. Then you have it.
You can’t even see if you’re studying in your life. but will not be relevant again. It is precisely these days that we do not know what occupations are going to be superfluous by AI. After the Abi you can still begin training in the crafts.

2 months ago

you can always repeat the abitur, and jobs in the craft there are also more than enough, and you deserve good. Abi is a lot of work, and if you don’t want to do anything else, it’s going to be a torture

2 months ago

It depends. In itself, this is not wrong, but if you go to the craftsmanship, it would be more likely to be worth the master – with whom you can also study btw if you would want it.

2 months ago

Depends on how to see it. If you don’t want to study, you don’t need the Abi. (But you can also study without Abi.)

2 months ago

You don’t have to be an excuse. After a handicraft training and subsequent master course, you also have the general university maturity.