Lohnt es sich in Japan eine Wohnung zu kaufen?

Japan hat keine Einschränkung für Ausländerimmobilienerwerb.

Lohnt es sich irgendwo in Japan eine WOhnung zu kaufen? Japan gilt ls sicherer Hafen der westlichen Wirtschatfsmächte.

So kann ich eine WOhnung in Japan kaufne und diese auch vermeiten oder? So habe ich dann Japan Yen Einkommen!?

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6 months ago

the yen is very deep at the moment, whether it is worth it at the moment

In principle, however, it is possible as long as you meet the relevant criteria and can convince the seller of you.

A good friend had to look for 5 years, and that with Japanese citizenship (original USA), but she also did not want a cheap house somewhere in the country (there are many anyway moving away). There are still many who prefer not to sell than to forgive a house to a foreigner. This hurdle was probably higher with her than she will be with you, USA is not particularly popular.

If you’re looking for a house, you should worry about whether the area is at risk. Earthquake, Tsunami, Typhoon, strong snowfall, landslide, in Japan the conditions are more extreme than here. Also there can be clauses on the house that for a certain amount must be in renovation within a certain time, you also have to check.

I find Japan wonderful, but I wouldn’t buy a house there. Just the latest development with the expected mega earthquake and the increase in extreme weather conditions around the world would be considered too risky to acquire a property there.

6 months ago
Reply to  Himenokoori

You don’t have to take that seriously, look at his profile

6 months ago

Japan is expensive, especially for LGIs

6 months ago
Reply to  AnnaStark

And only for Trolle as the questioner!

6 months ago
Reply to  AnnaStark

ArunKong is now easily found with its new account: He has the topic: # ArunKong Investment Ltd.

6 months ago

And why in Japan?
Can also buy an apartment here and rent it.
Then you get a much more stable currency and don’t have to look for tenants on the other side of the world.

6 months ago

And then enjoy a coffee, ArungKong