Lohnt es sich ein Buch zu schreiben?
Ich schreibe gerade ein Buch und habe ein paar Fragen:
-Wie viele Seiten sollte ein Buch für 10-11 Jährige haben?
-Ist es schlimm, dass das “Abenteuer” schon nach 25 Seiten beginnt?
-Habt ihr Tipps um ein gutes und spannendes Buch zu schreiben?
-Inwiefern lohnt es sich ein Buch zu schreiben?
Well, that’s all about history and the target group. Your story can already be finished after 100 pages and be good. I personally find books of about 400 pages most pleasant (also with 10/11), but this is just my taste and I also read from more or less pages. Just tell your story to the end and then see how many pages it is:)
No, some of the best novels start in the middle of action. 25 pages are beautiful, so you can introduce the setting and the characters shortly before it starts.
No one who wouldn’t exist anywhere on the Internet. But don’t worry about it first, somehow push your 1st draft and rework it all. Better 100 pages of scrap than nothing.
You can make people happy with history, offer them a way to flee from everyday life or to feel understood. You can create something, your own book, your own story. Finally, you have to answer the question “Why?” but for yourself. You want to write, so you have a goal.
You should always write a book with the intention because you want to tell the story. It doesn’t matter to others. But not because you hope for wealth. This is incredibly rare that you make big money and become famous.
I want you to have fun. This is the main thing. I’ll get my first book out in September about an even new publisher. I don’t make great hopes to bring out a bestseller, but the whole drummer is fun. The writing, talking about it, the fairs, the readings… this is the most beautiful thing. And maybe you deserve some coins. But we want to remember that it can always be that a book is known. Harry Potter is a great example. 😀
As many as it takes to tell the story.
Yeah, I can’t. If, then on page 24 or page 26.
Just start.
If you pay, then you have your own.
If you do it – do it because it makes DIR joy.
If you glorify the HANDWERK and can really write GUT – dare a publication.
Economically, it will not be worth 99,9999%. No matter how good the book is.