Lohnt es sich ein 10 Jahre altes Auto zu kaufen?
Hallo zusammen, ich habe seit knapp 2 Jahren einen SUV. Da ich jetzt auf dem Bus umsteigen will, ist mir der SUV einfach zu teuer. Daher war für mich die Überlegung ,,Down zu graden” und mir mein erstes Auto VW Fox zu kaufen. Da gibt es natürlich leider nur solche von vor 10 Jahren, aber teilweise halt auch mit ,, nur” 50.000 Kilometer. Kann man sowas machen oder habt ihr andere Ideen? Ich brauch das Auto wirklich nur, wenn ich meine Kinder mal abholen muss oder spontan wohin muss. Danke!!!
Generally, your idea is good to exchange the SUV for a small car.
here are some things to explain:
KFZ control: Is the younger Fox cheaper in the tax? It can also be more expensive because the taxes have been changed several times in the past (Co2 instead of engine capacity)
Insurance: A small beginner – pharmacist – nursing power – town car can be significantly more expensive than a SUV because of the accident accumulation of its class in insurance.
Consumption: A small car also needs much more fuel in the pure city and short distance traffic than on the road.
Sales losses: Your current car is in good service? The new car needs new tires, battery, windshield wipers, inspection? You have to calculate that.
The whole thing is to weigh against each other.
Example: In many cases, it is cheaper to drive an old car with 14 liters of consumption over the next 7-10 years than buying a new e-car.
Can be praised, but don’t have to.
The best way to do a shopping test by car before buying. In Ö, the zb of the Öamtc. In DE maybe ask for the ADAC?
They’ll check the car for you and tell you if it’s still good in the shot or if you’d rather leave your fingers.
Of course, it is worth noting, only in the model, because this is a qualitative catastrophe.
Get an older Mitsubishi Colt, Mazda 2 or Daihatsu Sirion for the same money. Not because I’m Japan fan but just because it’s the most reasonable alternatives in the size, price and age class.
It’s on the Fox. Either you put a handle in the toilet or you get a decent car.
Isn’t there a carsharing with you? According to your description, this could make the most sense of you.
Then more like the VW Up or a polo, the Fox is miserable.
Why don’t you figure out how much you’d save on insurance and taxes, whether it’s worth it at all?
Just because you drive little, the saving of a smaller car would not be so great, as the fuel consumption does not fall heavily in weight.
I would try Carsharing in your place. You would save most money on that.
The VW Fox is a very bad car. Finger away!
A car is never worth it – no matter how small or big the car is:-((