Lohnt es sich bei einem Kreditzins über 0,55% Sondtertildungen zu leisten?
Könnte jedes Jahr 8.250€ an Sontertilgung leisten.
Alternative wäre es stattdessen es besser an zu legen und erst zum Schluß der Kreditlaufzeit zu tilgen.
Könnte jedes Jahr 8.250€ an Sontertilgung leisten.
Alternative wäre es stattdessen es besser an zu legen und erst zum Schluß der Kreditlaufzeit zu tilgen.
Autohero Finanzierungsantrag : Vorläufig bestätigt was bedeutet das? Krieg ich die Finanzierung
Ist das überhaupt noch ratsam, wenn man sich die aktuelle Lage ansieht?
Hallo ich habe gerade mal geguckt meine Schufa ist positiv wie kann das denn Sein obwohl ich Schulden habe ???
Hallo zusammen, ich brauche ein Kredit freie Verwandlung.. Wo kann ich ein Kredit mit niedrigen Zinsen finden ? LG Walid
Wo ist eine Investition in einem Immobilie als Vorsorge am sinnvollsten?
If I can carry out the special withdrawal free of charge and have the money over and otherwise cannot or would like to do anything else, then at least I would reduce the interest to be paid somewhat. This effect naturally increases when I have a special effect every year. Usually you pay a slightly higher interest rate for this option, of course this is still low compared to the current interest rates.
However, I also ask how far I reduce the amount of credit at the end of the term at regular special withdrawals, where I would otherwise have to conclude a probably more expensive connection loan. In addition, it is necessary to consider how the money should otherwise be invested and how safe this investment form is. What may happen for a return and whether this can then be used for the connection finishing.
Depends on whether and what fees are incurred for a special cancellation. We don’t know your contract. If the loan was paid, of course I would.
Sure no. This is free money at the current interest rate and inflation!
You better put the money in fixed money, and you’ll get much more for it. Or invest them elsewhere.
That’s what I see.
I wouldn’t kill it early
If your credit is still EUR 8250, I’d cancel it and it’s done. Don’t you think it’s a little bit of information to make a valid statement?
Why? There are still more than 100,000€ open and the loan runs for 8 years. But why is this important to know? Rate 600€ per month.
How should we calculate and compare something if such information is missing? Whether you need to erase 20000 or 10 million and whether you have 2 or 30 years to do so makes a significant difference.
There are plenty of credit calculators in the network that you can feed with your data and see how you better drive. Enter the eradication calculator, see here: https://tilgung.computer.wiwo.de/computer3/wiwo/tilgungscomputer/
Then, however, not always criticized other opinions only because these differ from yours
@sumpfbub, the FS always asks such “sense-free” questions.
To hear other opinions.
It asks me why you ask the question.
At 0.55% credit interest, I don’t need a computer. Each plant that brings more is a profit.