Lohnt eine Ausbildung noch?

Habe bei einem Familientreffen von meiner Cousine erfahren, dass Sie fast genauso viel Geld erhält bei einem Vollzeitstudium + 4-5x a 8h arbeiten im Monat als Minijobber wie ich mit einem 40h Job und zwar 1700 Euro, diese setzen sich aus 934 Euro BAföG,250Euro Kindergeld und 520 Euro aus dem Mini-Job zusammen.Nach dem Studium steigt Sie mit 5000 Euro ein. Hätte ich gewusst, dass studieren so lukrativ ist,hätte ich niemals eine Ausbildung gemacht🤣🤣 Da sag mal einer Studenten sein arm, was soll ich denn behaupten 😁

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1 year ago

After your studies, you will increase with 5,000 euros.

However, this is by no means the standard for French-manufactured academics and is crucial for medical studies.

Then many academics could also say: even if I compare this with a flying lottery, I could have saved my studies.

To use top payments here as a comparison, brings little.

934 Euro BAföG,250Euro Child Benefit and 520 Euro from the Mini-Job

It is also part of the exception of the students who receive the Bafög maximum rate.

This, too, does not all have to be discussed.

For example, I would not have had a bafög appeal (13€ or so it was according to the computer) because my parents deserve too much. Since they’re full of money in their construction finance, there’s no money to pay for their studies. So my choice was to persuade me without any maintenance from them or what the office recommended: to force my parents to pay me a fee and to sell the house. Who does not have a totally disturbed relationship with his parents?

So this was the name for me: No bafög and no money from the parents, but see where you stay. And I met many people who were similar to those who chose a dual degree to get an Azubi grade. And no, you don’t have the advantages like semester ticket, because you’re just as disadvantaged as Azubis who also have to pay everything themselves.

Here too, this is a not quite common individual case, to get the 934€ Bafög maximum rate alone, plus to get the child’s money paid out (yes, this is one too, but also here some parents cross) and then also to have found a side job that she can coordinate well for studying without hindering and prolonging it.

Such assets do not correspond to the average student.

1 year ago

Well, it’s all relative.

Yeah, as a doctor, you get a lot of money. But for the first time you have studied for a very long time.

Not everyone who is studying, doing careers, earning a lot of money. It depends on a lot of things.

In the rest, it is generally known that academics earn more.

But also in craftsmanship, as a master, as a self-employed, you can earn a lot of money.

Training is always worthwhile.

Btw…you can still study if you have the corresponding degrees.

And…there are mM more important than money/career. But everyone has to decide for themselves.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibsiq

Nix is fair.

1 year ago

After studying, you will increase with 5,000 euros

Who believes

1 year ago
Reply to  Casalini

It’s good.

1 year ago

Studying is always financially ever more rewarding than an education, except you make a master and yourself independent.Bafög there is only if the parents earn little, otherwise the parents pay.

1 year ago

I don’t understand your drama.

After your studies, you will increase with 5,000 euros. If I had known that studying is so lucrative, I would never have done an education

The annoyed quite well paid is not unusual now. Learning long, have a lot of responsibility and shift. Other courses are paid after poor payment. With training there is also a lot of room in it. 1700 is certainly not the maximum what is in with training.

I can’t understand your excitement about the money in my studies.

that you receive almost as much money at a full-time study + 4-5x a 8h work a month as a minijobber as I have a 40h job, namely 1700 Euro

Students Bafög must be paid back in part and the 934 is available to me only if you are no longer a family insurance company. What does one have to be self-insurance. That costs

You can also do the minijob that is being worked here for full-time study. You also have 520 € more. Full-time study is no less offspring than full-time work. If you take it seriously and learn a lot, sometimes even more.