Lohnt ein Studium wenn man Programmierer werden will?
Ich bin gerade in der Mittelschule, ich will Programmierer werden(mehr Richtung backend) und will meine eigene Firma gründen. Um mein Ziel zu schaffen ist ein Studium nötig oder verliere ich nur die Zeit
Dead? No not necessarily necessary, but helpful and probably sensible. It goes without saying that it is more difficult in Germany than in the USA, where there is more a start-up mentality and less respect for formal qualifications.
If you have a good idea and you can translate and market yourself, that’s open to you.
For self-employment, you need to win and convince customers and hire employees. This is difficult without formal skills that you can demonstrate, otherwise only through experience.
Experience can be collected in open source and private projects if you teach yourself software development (programming is not everything, just a craft for software development). Better is probably if you first prove yourself in business and get to know the business environment. You usually need a degree to be taken.
Completes a middle school degree
For a study? No, you need Abitur. For training? Yeah.
You have to hang in if you want to start a company successfully. You should also learn some direction BWL.
Business Administration
you can also study with fachabi but stop at a university
What is BWL
In your studies, you can get your first contacts that could become useful later. You can also learn something like Linux and/or additional programming languages or applications