Payroll tax?
Good day everyone,
I wanted to know and ask, my income tax is 120 € more than if I enter the whole thing in the Bluetooth net calculator, is the gross net calculator accurate or does it depend on the company that you pay more for some, how do I know exactly what I have to pay?
IdR vote if your details are correct or the same as in the company, the values on pages as almost complete.
Each program – also that of the AG – can only count as precisely as the data that you feed it.
So if the gross net calculator gives you a different result as you are on your payroll, then the underlying data must be checked on the pages.
Typical deviations, especially in wage tax, are often due to the fact that the calculation programs on the Internet always take the full calendar month as a reference variable. However, if you did not start work for the first month, the LSt is legally mandatory to calculate on the basis of the daily wage tax table, not on a monthly basis. For example, this makes up a substantial additional amount which the AN will recover from its EStE in the following year.