Lohnpfändung wann wird gepfändet?

Hallo ich arbeite seit 5.6.2023 in einer Zeitarbeitsfirma und ich denke ich werde bestimmt ein Pfandbären Anteil abgeben müssen. Ich habe viele Schulden von viele gläubiger. Ich zahle seit Monaten meine Schulden nicht ab. Aber wann kommt den eine Lohnpfändung wisst ihr das?

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1 year ago

I would strongly advise you to contact the creditors and agree to a rate payment. And don’t wait for the employer to be involved.

1 year ago
Reply to  animefan35

Why do you want the pay to be paid?

1 year ago

I have many debts of many more faithful. I have not paid off my debt for months

This is exactly what makes the debt mountain even bigger. Talk to your creditors about a payment plan; so you save a lot of money.

But when do you know the one wages?

If there is a bond title, the deposit will be made as soon as you get paid to the account. If not, you should go to the creditors. With each month you wait longer with the repayment, the interest rates and interest rates increase.


1 year ago
Reply to  EinAlexander

Right, and any fees for lawyers and/or debt collection companies also increase.

1 year ago
Reply to  EinAlexander

If there is a bond title, the deposit will be made as soon as you get paid to the account

in a constipation. This happens to the employer (usually more effective if the employer is known and there are other posts on the account)

1 year ago

First, the creditor must know where you work. He can then make a pledge and transfer decision. It’s easier for him to get your account straight.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerHans

I’m afraid there’s nothing to get in the account. If someone keeps running debt and waits for the wages, it’s probably all the other thing that’s purposeless.

1 year ago
Reply to  ronalda

And as soon as the termination decision of the temporary employment firm is in place, the termination will come. This is additional avoidable work.