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6 months ago

So there’s a maintenance title and it’s limited to full-year or beyond?

If he goes beyond the 18th year of his life, then the dependent child should be informed of the new circumstances from 18 onwards with the request to issue his own bank account, as the maintenance goes directly to the child. Also provide proofs that justify the need, such as current school certificate, training contract, etc., and the income documents of the child’s mother, which is then also obliged to pay cash or to return the maintenance title in the original from full year.

The existing maintenance title must be adapted to the new circumstances. If you want to free yourself from your payment obligations, you should:Amendment procedurein combination with a temporary setting of forced execution (§ 242 FamFG).

The soon full-year child must be made clear that a new calculation is now required.

The court does not raise anything “automatic”. It depends on the nature of the title and whether the maintenance title is limited until the full year, as well as on who the title runs… There are maintenance titles that run on the name of the parent. Here, the full-year-old child can’t just keep going.

Unlimited maintenance titles do not lose their validity with the full year.

Or is it an outgoing debt? Then would be pledged until the debts have been cancelled,

6 months ago

The child is now 18 years old, the pay is automatically cancelled by the court.

No, you have to become active and present yourself in the ‘judgment, which is why your maintenance obligation should end.

If necessary, you must sue your child for information to clarify whether there is still a need for maintenance.

6 months ago

At 18 is not automatically concluded with maintenance:

In general, the maintenance must be completed until the child has completed his first vocational training. When studying, the regular period of study gives an indication of the duration of the payment obligation.

5 months ago
Reply to  Werweisdas75

If the training does, the merit is to be deducted from the maintenance.

one goes here from a need of 950€ from which the full child allowance is deducted 250€

from income net will also be deducted 100€, which will then remain deducted from the 700€ needed and what comes out is the maintenance of the two parental parts to be paid depending on the income.

accepted the child earns 700€ net, then will be deducted 100€ flat rate 600€

so 950€ -250€ – 600€ stay 100€ maintenance which is to be paid and which is divided according to income to both parents

6 months ago
Reply to  Werweisdas75

You have to take care of yourself

6 months ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

What if the child does the first training at 45? As long as he doesn’t have to pay. I think 25 is the border

6 months ago
Reply to  NicoNRW

There is no age limit. Orientation is the regular period of study, but this can also be exceeded for many reasons. Here is an overview:

5 months ago

That’s right, the border is the first training or first study.

and also condition to get over 18 maintenance at all.

will take place once an interruption, with maintenance

6 months ago

Nem Bayer like you eh nix euphoren has seen much more clue and mind than you and has explained it very well in the 2 Kommi

Why do you just interfere in strange conversations? No education enjoyed or simply insatiable supremacy?

6 months ago

It is now a fact that here is the first completed training. Whether you believe this or nothing

6 months ago

It’s not like that. There may be breaks, but as an orientation a “normal” course is taken. The child can sometimes sit or wait a year for the training places or make an internship or after/in the training notice that it is qualified for a study… It can be scratched at the 30.

6 months ago

Can’t tell me that you have to pay for your child 40 or 50 years only because it doesn’t want to do training

5 months ago

Your friend will have to take care of it actively.

what does the child do with 18? Education?

in any case, the maintenance must be recalculated.

in this case, I strongly recommend the way to a specialist attorney.

6 months ago

Those who need to be plucked for child support may not be the best choice, so by the way. The completion of the first training of the child is decisive. It can be long after the 18th LJ.

6 months ago

Nothing happens automatically. The dependent child can continue to be trained. The dependant may, of course, seek proof in good time.