Lohnen sich zwei Gitarrenlehrer?
Moin moin ihr Lümmel 😂
Wollte mal fragen ob sich 2 Gitarrenlehrer lohnen oder lieber mehr Stunden bei einem bzw. Findet ihr eine halbe Stunde pro Woche nicht ein bisschen wenig?
Danke schonmal für die Hilfe und immer allzeit eine handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel 😂
Moin, predominant with 2 teachers you might learn something more different and can take the best out for yourself, but costs. Find half an hour too little. I practice without Leherer about 1 to 3 hours a day.
Talk to your teacher if you could extend your class to an hour.
In order to improve you, it is often not the duration of the teaching that is important, but the time you invest in practice and learning.
So I practice every day I have the treasure standing right next to the bed but I find somehow half an hour totally little because you don’t have the time to ask all the things that you’re going around in the head 🤔
You can’t learn everything at once.
It takes time to properly master certain techniques and runs. The slower you practice and learn how it sounds clean, the faster you get to success.
That’s right! it’s just like with the gym you don’t get in 2 weeks thick muckis, you have to stay on and the cleaner you train the better it is for you at the end
Waste of money, look for a reasonable music teacher and take the corresponding hours there, of which you have much more than jumping back and forth what will go on the tip for a long time.
I just wanted to be good so I can play in a band 😂
You will be good by always practicing and playing, along with the teacher, there are also zig free possibilities on the net where you can additionally practice as soon as you have the basics out.
Will be somehow, next year I am at waking with on stage 🤘😂
If the two teachers teach different things – for example classic guitar and electric guitar or very different styles such as rock/pop and jazz on the electric guitar – it can be useful. Of course, you have to practice a lot so that it is worth it.
I’ve been studying flute for years and have only half an hour a week. If on all other days (not every one, always in between) you practice the lessons, that goes.
It is worth a GUTER guitar teacher. So pay attention to the class, not to the crowd. Half an hour is very little.
The first question is what are you ready to give out!? I doubt if it really keeps you going.
Play always only as long as it is pleasant for you, it does not bring any pain to play in your fingers. This can lead to permanent damage.
Keep going at home what you’ll learn in the time – so you can play clean and clear without mistake! Speed comes later by yourself \./
it would be better to have more lessons with a teacher. half an hour may be too little for the beginning. The time is over again.