Lohnabrechnung gefälscht – Kredit?

Hallo zusammen,

ich hab vor 5 Monaten echt Mist gebaut und mein eintrittsdatum bei einem Kreditvertrag geändert.

der Kredit ging durch und ich zahle ihn auch absolout pünktlich.
jedocj habe ich ein schlechtes Gewissen.

ich meine passieren kann nichts mehr da gezahlt wird und der Vertrag durch ist.

ich fühle mich nur schlecht und war auch bereits auf dem Beichtstuhl.

wie kann ich diese Sünde wieder gut machen?

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1 year ago

I mean nothing more

But if it comes out, the loan will be cancelled. This means paying everything, immediately. Cancellation of the account. Evtl. Schufa, I don’t know if it’s registered. Evtl. Report for fraud.

So just keep your feet quiet and pay the rates.

1 year ago

Payout is not paid.

1 year ago

I’ll say that. If you pay the rates on time by the end, you can feel good at least morally.

Don’t make a guess. If this gets out, it’ll be punished hard.

1 year ago

What you could do is repay the loan through another lender. Then of course with correct data.

1 year ago

e.g. through internal compliance. Or, if you don’t mind, it’ll be looked at again.
And believe me, FALLS that comes out, the consequences for you are fatal and will burden you for a long time. So pay the rates on time and hope the best!

1 year ago

Wish you good luck, whatever you do.

1 year ago

How can I make this sin good again?

That’s what the priest told you.

If you feel better with it, provide self-disclosure for credit fraud and for document corruption.

1 year ago

Banks are the biggest criminals and you feel guilty because you have given something wrong, even though you have paid your credit completely. I really lost the hope of humanity.

1 year ago

Be careful, regret it honestly and never do it again.