Lohn auszahlen?
Hallo ihr lieben 🫶🏼
ich habe einen Job am 7.11 angefangen der mir sehr Spaß macht. 4x die Woche jeweils 5-6 Stunden erstmal. Ich habe jetzt ausgerechnet was ich bis heute verdient habe und es sind circa 595€ netto. Am Dienstag arbeite ich wieder 4x die Woche. Die Schwägerin des Chefes meinte das Gehalt wird ab dem 24.11 bis 30.11 überwiesen und wollte gerne wissen ob für diese Woche das Gehalt mit überwiesen wird oder nur von den letzten zwei Wochen
You get salary once a month. Which hours are exactly counted in, can only tell you your boss.
Pay once a month
Your money will deduct tax and insurance and you will only get it at the end of the month.
Right, I’m just surprised. It’s nice that you like the job but at 20-24 h a week only 595€? Theoretically, she would be better off at a 520€ job because she would have to work only 10 h.
– The only disadvantage, of course, is that you don’t pay and you don’t get a period of entitlement to the disability pension.
You’ve got something wrong ☺️ the almost 600€ are just what I’ve earned so far in the two weeks net. If I worked through all month I would be at a net wage of about 1100€ but since I’ve only worked two weeks now I’ve been at around 600 ☺️☺️
PS: this is not full but part-time job
Okay, cool that you deserve so well
Service station worker ☺️
Then this is very good for the hours. What are you doing if I can ask?