Löcher in den Zähnen?
Ich hatte vor 3-4 Monaten eine starke Erkältung, dadurch hab ich ein Loch im Zahn bekommen aber das wurde schnell behandelt. Ich achte generell sehr stark auf meine Hygiene und pflege meine Zähne sehr gut, nur leider hab ich drei Löcher gefunden einen rechts und zwei links nebeneinander. Sie schmerzen auch und essen wird dadurch natürlich auch schwer, ich hab aber leider Angst zum Zahnarzt zu gehen das sie denken wie das schon wieder sein kann und vor allem sind das jetzt drei Löcher. Mir wird doch keiner glauben wenn ich sage ich putze und säubere regelmäßig aber dann 3 Löcher habe. Werden sie mich verurteilen wenn ich so zum Termine erscheine?
You are responsible for your dental care. They won’t judge you, but you have to expect them to tell you to brush your teeth next time.
The problem is unfortunately not due to care
Oh, okay, that can be natural.
It can have various causes, also called to the dentist for my appointment and they also log my condition and I was there recently. She said it was definitely not my care, but that I had too little milk products and that could also come through my too fast growth. But in my text there was definitely not a lack of care 🙂
So I can tell you at the beginning that I don’t know who’s funneled this to you, but by a cold you don’t get caries and caries from today to tomorrow. Caries require 3 factors for the development. The necessary bacteria, substrate (sugar) as food for bacteria and time. A type of bacteria that is very well known for this is the Streptococcus Mutans. By wrong diet, for example, candy, this strain gets bacteria food that he metabolizes into acids, which then attack your tooth substance. Now tell me how to deal with a cold? You just cleaned too bad over a longer period of time, with poor diet. The episode is caries now. And of course no one will believe you’ve cleaned up well, otherwise you wouldn’t have caries. Nonetheless, you have to go to the ZA because otherwise everything gets worse. And to take it right away. No, it’s not too little milk products or too fast growth.
Who told you that. With a cold you cannot get caries!!! Definitely not.
Why don’t you believe that you don’t brush teeth regularly. You can also make mistakes when brushing your teeth. You need to explain exactly how to brush your teeth properly.
No, of course not. Don’t worry. You don’t believe what a dentist sees every day for “construction sites”. There’s your three little lion peanuts.
I must mention I had a strong nasal sinusitis and that has built a lot of pressure up to the jaw. Since my body was anyway it happened
Also because of an NNH inflammation no caries arise. It’s bullshit.
It’s noticeable at the teeth that you can get on your teeth when it hurts. But you don’t get 100% caries through your cold. To get caries you need 3 factors. Bacteria, sugar, time. Say either you’ve been really well cleaned, fed you wrong and all over a longer period. Try not to blame any cold
“A cold is only noticeable on the teeth when it also affects the nasal sinuses” is actually not a nonsense