Löcher füllen vor Epoxidharz?

Hallo zusammen,

Ich habe eine Holzschale gekauft, welche eigentlich eine Kerze war. Die Schale ist schwarz beschichtet (weiß leider nicht womit) und war komplett mit Wachs gefüllt. Die Schale habe ich gestern im Backofen erwärmt, dabei floss das Wachs durch feinste Risse. Eigentlich war meine Idee die Schale mit Epoxidharz zu füllen, damit es wie ein kleiner See aussieht (inklusive Miniatur Steinchen auf dem Boden, Plastik Fische und Pflanzen etc.) Nun die Frage: womit fülle ich die Risse, damit das Epoxidharz nicht wieder dadurch hinausläuft? Habe gelesen, dass Silikon nicht gut geeignet ist, da das Epoxidharz dieses angreift. Heißkleber kommt nicht in Frage, der trocknet nicht vollständig klar/transparent.

PS der große Riss wurde wohl schon vor dem Befüllen geklebt.

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1 year ago

Epoxy resin does not attack silicone, it only does not adhere to it.

You must first coat the shell from below with epoxy resin so that it gets tight there. Then you can also treat the upper side in the places where resin is poured later. Apply the crack with a small brush well and then fill with resin. If there’s nothing left, then the bowl is tight and you can design it later and fill it with resin. I would do that with a resin that is quite thin and hardens quickly.

Now no more bubbles can rise out of the more wood, and it should also be dense down when you pour it out.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atekun

Then you have to stick it off. But that must be dense, the resin flows through the smallest ridges. I’ve wiped myself a lot. 😂

1 year ago
Reply to  Atekun

First, it doesn’t look good, and secondly you won’t get silicone in all cracks. Then you still have the problem that the enclosed air leaves in the wood as air bubbles.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atekun

2K adhesive is usually epoxy resin.

1 year ago

Where are the cracks that I should exclude the epoxy resin? I only see scratches in the coating…

How would it be possible cracks – which I do not see – to fill in color independently and then to make the shell a bit color varying inside and to paint over to underline a sea aspect? For example in blue or green or blue or whatever.

1 year ago
Reply to  T3Fahrer

In addition, holes in the paint can flow from the crack in all directions. There have been a number of people who have fallen on the snout because they wanted to save themselves from the preparatory work. It happened to me at the beginning because I thought… that’s all right. You just do once!