Liquiditätsplan, Kapitalbedarfs- und Finanzierungsplan?
Hallo, ich mache mich zum ersten mal selbständig und habe das Einstiegsgeld beim Amt beantragt. Meinen Businessplan habe ich soweit fertig geschrieben, allerdings komme ich nicht so ganz mit den Liquiditätsplan, Kapitalbedarfs- und Finanzierungsplan klar. Ich weiß nicht was ich in die Tabellen eintragen soll. Denn mit meiner Selbständigkeit habe ich noch kein Geld verdient. Es ist alles noch in der Gründungsphase. Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen oder an wen muss ich mich wenden?
vielen dank im Voraus
For beginners, such checklists are very helpful because you can check if you have thought of everything.
However, monthly results of individual cost or turnover ranges cannot be entered in a number without having to break down monthly figures of these ranges in extra tables.
I hope you have a good spreadsheet program that allows you to create so-called subtables, the results of which will then flow automatically into the overall table (liquidity plan).
The capital requirement plan shows existing foreign and equity, as well as the necessary investments, and the minus amounts that can arise from lack of revenue in the first months. A minus in month X shows that it lacks equity or foreign capital. The capital requirement plan must therefore always be zero.
It is not wrong to ask a person skilled in the art (e.g. the IHK) to create the plan in the event of a lack of economic knowledge.
Hello! The tables shown by you can help you as patterns, but should not be given to the job center in this form. There are various ways to get you help. The easiest and most affordable is a supported consultation about the Jobcenter/Agency for Work. The offices can provide 100% financial support for the preparation of start-ups. In so-called existence coachings, the basics of self-employment are taught to you. Information e.g. under
That is precisely why IHK offers start-up seminars. Whoever believes to be “similar” without a paperwork has been seriously wrong.