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Vapes im handgepäck?
hallo, ich fliege bald nach london und wollte fragen ob man da genauso wie auf einem flug innerhalb der eu bis zu 15 elfbars mitnehmen kann. hab darüber leider nichts gefunden. vielen dank im voraus:)
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Moin Ich suche ein ein Ersatz zu Tabak und bin da auf Zigarette mit Kräutern gestoßen und da wollte ich mal fragen welche Kräuter könnt ihr empfehlen? Um die zu rauchen ich möchte die einfach nur so rauchen ohne Tabak oder Grass DANKE im Voraus
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do what mix the nu? or order 1 l liwuid?
For mixing you need ne PG/VG Base, niktoinshots (if nikotin is to be pure) and aroma.
Yes clear but wiviel at 1liter base
You can calculate that, there are liquid computers.
The tobacco tax!
If something online is “more cheaper” than in the shop, it is usually due to the fact that the dealer has not declared his goods as an e-liquid and also does not deduct the associated tobacco tax. You can do this yourself unrequired at the customs office responsible for your place of residence! (0.20€ per ml)
PG and VG are the base, plus aroma, if you still like nicotine, that was already. it is absolutely not a witchcraft, especially since all aromas also contain dosages. Also for food products
I don’t think so. The fewer ingredients the less harmful this is in case of doubt (grobly said).
Only that is not going to come nor aromas and nicotine to it but wi many
Then you’re talking about Base, not Liquid.
Base = propylene glycol (taste carrier) + glycerol (for steam development and density)
Liquid = base + aroma (+ nicotine)
And how much aroma is needed depends on the aroma.
There are flavors that you mix with 10% (10ml aroma on 90ml base), but there are also flavors that are so concentrated that you use them with 1% (1ml aroma on 99ml base). You have to read the recommendations of the aroma maker.
Go ahead.
If you’re a nicotine addict, you shouldn’t make a cold withdrawal, so in any case do something. How much, it must be somewhere.
According to the Internet there are various strengths. 3, 6, 9, 12 or 18 mg/ml.
Flavours must be very little pure in case of doubt. See if you find a top score.
Jane, clear.
Take nikotin and then put it down. Let’s talk again.
(Note: Of course, the amount is also relevant and whether nicotine dependence has been increased by additives.)
For over 50 years it has been scientifically proven that there is no nicotine dependence in humans. The assumption comes from research on mice. And the results were simply transferred to humans – only this does not work with nicotine, as people and mice react completely differently to nicotine. Even the otherwise very slow WHO has deleted the term and replaced it with “smooth dependence”. And there’s no smoke in e-cigarettes.
If you want to poison yourself, go ahead. Suction dangerous if you try this.
Not stupid
Uh, no. This is really nothing dangerous if you don’t get dressed like the first person.
… then please stop cooking!
You tell yourself that dampening of food flavors is dangerous! And when cooking, much more substances are evaporated than there are in E-Liquids at all – and many of them do not even have to be declared in food….