Lippenbändchen entfernung?
Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte fragen ob die Entfernung von Lippenbändchen schmerzhaft ist und was man beachten sollte. Manche sagen man darf wochenlang kein Sport machen. Stimmt das?
Danke für die Antworten
Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte fragen ob die Entfernung von Lippenbändchen schmerzhaft ist und was man beachten sollte. Manche sagen man darf wochenlang kein Sport machen. Stimmt das?
Danke für die Antworten
Habe seit einigen Tagen sehr starke Gelenkschmerzen… mir tun die Gelenke überall am Körper weh… erkältet bin ich nicht und bin auch noch ziemlich jung. Woran kann es liegen? Was kann ich tun?
Heyy ich trage jetzt seit dem 20. Oktober letze, Jahres eine Zahnspange wegen eines Überbiss und hab die Frage ob ich powerchains bekommen könnte ??
Hallo, ich bin seit ein paar Tagen erkältet, habe aber gerade nur noch Reizhusten und eine verstopfte Nase. Das Problem ist, dass ich morgen einen Termin beim Zahnarzt habe wo Husten sehr ungünstig ist. Ich weiß dass es Medikamente gibt die den Hustenreiz unterdrücken (sowas wie Hustenstiller von ratiopharm) – gibt es auch noch andere…
That can’t be right. The injuries heal relatively quickly and easily. But you should wonder if you really want to do that. Dentists are often not always sensible with a diagnosis and treatment. The argument is usually that this operation would reduce the ‘tang’ of the bands to the gums and thus a otherwise unexplainable decline in gums could be stopped. Instead, I would question my tooth cleaning technique. Most of the time, this concerns those people who clean long and particularly thoroughly and also like to use hard toothbrushes once. How much less you have to clean, however, is usually noticed only when the gum has gone further over the years and the dentist has to gradually cover the open necks with composite to reduce their sensitivity. The best way to cancel the surgery is to use not only a softer toothbrush (CuraProx), but also TIP: TALL once interdental brushes, suitable for your complete tooth area, sometimes in different thicknesses. The interdental brushes or “Zwischenzahnbürstchen” by Oral-Prevent and the by Curaprox are good in handling and better in stability than e.g. by TePe. For the places behind the wisdom teeth (if they are still present, they are also pulled prophylactically) a single-sock brush is optimal. This can be used as well as dentistry every two weeks. The most important for teeth and gums, however, is the – really consistent – use of the interdental brushes, with which the biofilm is reliably removed once a day in the interdental spaces, best in the evening before brushing the teeth, and during cleaning the teeth can also be cleaned slightly more superficial and easier. Two minutes in the morning and in the evening are perfect and breakfasts should be done only after morning cleaning. A good professional dental care once a year also acts as a support for gums and dental health. Here is a very good and helpful guide for cleaning:
Good for you and your teeth.