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2 years ago

Keep watching. There must be no inflammation. The lower jaw nerve provides the teeth and lip sensitive (feeling). When pulling, the nerve can be “annoyed” or also injured, this should be the case for the handler/in to have cleared up in advance.

2 years ago

This is generally harmless. It can be a small inflammation at the puncture site of the anesthesia. Even if this has the dangerous name “spinning sauce”, it usually cures without problems.

In very rare cases, however, the deafness of a nerve also has consequences that last longer. That’s why I would at least call the dentist at your place today or better go by to control it.

If you have problems with facial nerves, it is only to some extent sensible to question foreign lay people from the Internet. You are not full-year and health tips from lay people to children are really tricky. Therefore, please contact someone who is professional in it and can examine you directly. Even if it’s probably gone tomorrow, you’re not at risk.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yamina2021

Yeah, that’s common. You can call at least there and describe the problem. If it was an inflammation in the nerve, you should treat it as quickly as possible.

It would be a pity to scare you here. Ridered teeth are heavy, and you can be glad he’s finally out. Now stay consistent and make sure that you don’t get any trouble after that.

Don’t worry: if it’s an inflammation, you’ll probably deal with antibiotic tablets.

Good improvement!

2 years ago

These are effects of treatment.

The dentists sometimes work with a lot of effort in your mouth. You can’t feel it through the anesthesia. With the fist, they press unintentionally on your lips. These are easily squeezed. On the skin, you’d have a blue spot, your lips are now a little deaf.

In a few days, everything is normal again!

Good improvement!

2 years ago
Reply to  Yamina2021

I’d love to. Pigeon lips are a stupid feeling but disappears in a few days. Do something nice and distract yourself as often as that goes!

Watch out for dinner! prefer to bite scars and avoid eating hard. It can happen that you bite yourself in your lips because you don’t feel them full. That’s what happened to me, but there was still an anesthesia. You can compare the feeling of deafness, I think.

I don’t want to make you crazy, but I want to pass on my experience so that it doesn’t happen to you! 😊

2 years ago
