Linux Server Speicher reinigen?
Ich wollte wisse wie ihr eure V-Server sauber haltet, sodass nicht irgendwie noch files von gelöschten Programmen bleiben oder man mal files an stellen erstellt hat und vergessen hat wo sie waren. Danke für die Hilfe!
You can either start with it right away and remember a concept for files. There are no files that go around in “unknown” places.
In addition, it is possible in principle to locate files that have not been changed for some time or have been created in a certain period of time, etc. This gives you an approach to searching for “waisted” files.
“apt clean” and “apt autoclean”.
When deleting programs, I use “apt purge” and not “apt remove”, but then I need to secure important configuration files myself beforehand.
Thank you. I installed mariadb last time and wanted to uninstall it. The program was uninstalled but the folders that mariadb created are still there.