Linux Mint bootet nicht mehr von USB Stick?
Ich habe während der Installation von Linux Mint den Laptop neu gestartet und kriege nur noch diesen Screen
Weiß jemand bescheid wie man das lösen kann?
Ich habe während der Installation von Linux Mint den Laptop neu gestartet und kriege nur noch diesen Screen
Weiß jemand bescheid wie man das lösen kann?
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Ah, wait, maybe the cache was not really emptied.
Hold the Power Button 10 seconds and boot again.
Alternatively, pull the plug for 10 seconds so that it is properly powerless.
I’m not coming any further than that error message.
Yeah, I changed my answer. :
there’s a problem with Secure Boot. Activate SecureBoot and try again.
I’ve tried to both turn on and turn off. I also reinstalled the ISO file on the USB stick via my other computer. This screen is always coming.
delete your keys and set secure boot in the setup mode. Fast boat should definitely be switched off.
it was not found important files, best to rebuild and reinstall usb
Windows no longer exists, there is no operating system I could reinstall the stick
dan try it with an adapter on the handy, you just have to push the iso on the stick
From simply copying a raw ISO to its USB stick, its laptop will certainly not be able to start without any start partition.
There is no magic to make
Then please explain to me how to create a bootable stick completely without software from the mobile phone
Try to disable the SecureBoot in the BIOS setup. Guess this is an HP laptop, right? If you need help: , you would have to put the SecureBoot on “Disabled”
for that you don’t need a softweare and you’re telling me
On the phone? What software did you use? And did you format the stick right before?
Have done everything now, but the stick bootes again in the screen of before😅
Nevertheless, you need to make your stick bootable, there are different ways, e.g.
I have now installed the ISO file on the stick, now only the BIOS starts. The stick is detected in the BIOS, but can’t do anything about booting.
I can try
… then you can start from the front.
There’s only a new installation.
System files and/or have been damaged.
Restore the image on the USB stick. System files are damaged.
mmx64 actually blows dug. Do you use Secureboot?
Start the UEFI Shell, change to the USB plug and see if there was any grub installed, etc. GRUB can start directly.
Then comes a window with: WARNING Not Found
Switch boot priority to the USB
I’ve tried