links vom Schienen parken in Fahrtrichtung?


heißt, ich darf links vom Schienen parken in Fahrtrichtung? Oder ist mit Links fahrbahn vom Gegenverkehr gemeint? 

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6 months ago

§ 12 (4) sentence 4 StVO includes an exception from the duty to keep at the right edge of the road.

As far as rails are located on the right side, […] may be left and parked.

This means that then the left is kept and parked and the other vehicles pass right by. Of course, not in exchange drive. It is only possible if there are several lanes or if the lane is wide enough. It should then be approached to the middle guide line or lane boundary.

6 months ago
Reply to  KevinHP

Do you have more information, such as judgments, to prevent cross-border traffic? I would interpret it in such a way that it is possible to drive to the left edge of the road, as in one-way roads. I am aware that this is sometimes dangerous and usually not sensible. Unfortunately, I have not found any more detailed information about the interpretation.

6 months ago
Reply to  ascii0815

Good question. Unfortunately, I do not know judgements specifically about this, I would have to look for it first.

Since the previous regulation of paragraph 4 speaks of the edge of the road, I would, however, agree that one can understand it in this way. Interesting!

6 months ago

In one-way roads can be parked on both sides.

Of course, it is not possible to park on rails.

But since most already have problems parking backwards on the right side, I would like to see some of them on the left side.