Links abbiegen, wenn es schon rot ist?

Hallo! Ich habe mich heute sehr über eine Situation im Verkehr geärgert und würde mich für eure Meinung interessieren. Wenn man links an einer Ampel abbiegen will und den Gegenverkehr durchlässt, dann fährt man doch ein Stück vor, wartet bis kein Gegenverkehr mehr kommt oder eben bis die Ampel rot wird und man schnell abbiegen kann.

So war das auch heute. Große Kreuzung und vor mir war noch ein Auto. Das Auto vor mir hatte mehrmals die Möglichkeit abzubiegen, aber ist nicht gefahren. Dann hat man schon gesehen, dass der Gegenverkehr langsamer geworden ist d.h. dass die Ampel rot ist. Aber auch da hat das Auto vor mir EWIG gewartet und gezögert bis es abgebogen ist und ich stand natürlich dahinter.

Auf jeden Fall hatten die anderen dann grün und ein Motorrad-Fahrer ist richtig ausgerastet und hat sich über mich aufgeregt, da ich eben noch auf der Kreuzung war. Aber was habe ich in der Situation falsch gemacht? Ich kann doch nicht rückwärts wieder zur Ampel fahren nur weil man Vordermann zu lange braucht? Das ist eine große Kreuzung und da können in der Regel mehr als 2 Autos links abbiegen. In der Fahrschule habe ich zumindest gelernt, dass man als links abbieger vorfährt und eben wartet bis man fahren kann.

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6 months ago

You did everything right.

Your foreman might have been a driver or a senior, at least a little insecure in driving behavior. Come on ahead and not directly a mistake.

The motorcyclists had absolutely no reason to get excited. Even if he has already green, he has the duty to allow you to clear the intersection.
This has been confirmed in numerous “creating rooms” reasons. Here just one example. In the event of an accident, the motorcyclist would be the main guilty.

There is also a corresponding OWi stock.

TBNR: 101042: They entered the intersection area/opening area *) without giving the vehicle waiting there for traffic the possibility to leave it.
§ 1 para. 2, § 49 StVO; § 24 para. 1, 3 No. 5 StVG; — BCat
30€ (with accident: TBNR 101043 / 35€)

At least in the driving school, I learned that you are going to the left and wait until you can drive.

That’s right.

The procedure laid down in § 11 para. 1, 3 StVO concerns cases where it is almost certain that the intersection will not be able to be cleared in time, e.g. in the case of a real congestion.
When bending, on the other hand, it is generally to be expected that the crossing can be cleared at the latest in the case of red of counter traffic. Therefore, there is no prohibition of entry under § 11.

6 months ago

Strictly tolerated § 11 Paragraph 1 StVO Apply:

If the traffic stops, in spite of an entrance or green light sign, it is not allowed to enter the intersection or opening, if it should be maintained.

However, one should never enter the intersection when it comes to traffic. Accordingly, you should be able to estimate whether you drive to the intersection area as a second or third car. Otherwise you wait on the stop line (also with green) until the front man is bent off.

You don’t drive backwards! You then leave the intersection as quickly as possible and pay attention to other road users.

In your case, I’d probably have gone behind. Because if the other car had gone quickly, it would have been enough.

6 months ago

But what did I do wrong in the situation?

Nothing. All the mistakes were with the front man and the motorcyclists were an idiot. Just forget that.

Who knows who you had before you. Uralte Grandma, who doesn’t sneak anymore or someone who drives alone for the first time, happens.

5 months ago
Reply to  McPresley

No, I see the mistake with me. For God’s sake.

6 months ago

It’s okay. Types that get excited about the wrong person are constantly encountered in road traffic – the world is full of cloppter and important student.

6 months ago

You’ve done everything right. In the big city with us this is more the rule than the exception, so don’t worry about it;)

5 months ago

No was green, the picture is of Google

5 months ago
Reply to  Juppemann76

Wrong contribution. I’m not here