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Left car tire blocks short under the ride.
An ABS brake malfunction is displayed in the dashboard.
Since these errors occur only in the short term, the wheel bearing can be excluded.
ABS brakes have wheel sensors.
The ABS sensors are an important component of the ABS system. Each wheel has a sensor, the speed is passed directly to the control unit, ensuring that the ABS system can intervene at the right time.
Often it is only due to strong soiling, e.g. after off road trips in muddy terrain or frost after the washing plant, which blocks a wheel sensor.
Clean with the high-pressure cleaner and perform a conscious ABS brake, can fix the problem.
Otherwise, an expert should definitely answer it.
As most people say here, I also tend strongly to the ABS sensor.
It probably supplies incorrect values, and therefore the wheel blocks for a short time.
Can become dangerous and should be exchanged as soon as possible.
And I saw that you asked if you could disable it….
No one can disable
spontaneous initiation: ABS sensor therefore exchange
If the ABS sensor supplies incorrect data on this wheel, the system could briefly actuate the brake.
The ABS sensor will provide incorrect data and therefore brake the wheel. I’d go to the workshop and let it go before something worse happens. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
ABS sensor
Can you disable it?
Only in danger of life.