Linke Hand verkrampft beim Häkeln?

Hallo 😇.

Mit der rechten Hand halte ich die Häkelnadel und das ist kein Problem. Mit der linken führe ich die Wolle.

Das Problem ist, dass die sich schon (bzw. ich sie verkrampfe) nach wenigen Sekunden verkrampft.

Ich halte sie eigentlich genau nach Anleitung 🤷🏻‍♀️, also so:

Aber wenn ich lockerer lassen würde, rutscht der Faden halt viel zu leicht durch.

Was kann man da machen?

Danke schonmal 😄🤗.

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2 years ago

I keep the left hand similar to you. The change is that I wound the thread once more around the index finger, but the thread is not pretensioned somewhere else. Due to the position of the index finger, I can regulate the thread tension somewhat, but it is often on the rough side of “perfect”. I also hold the workpiece with thumb and middle finger of the left hand.

The scratching could therefore come that you have the thread additionally run between the middle and ring fingers and try to regulate the tension by pressing together.

Outside of my habit I just crochet with a rather scratchy yarn and the 1.75mm needle. I usually work with the 4mm needle. A scratching has not occurred to me in the last six square meters (tipping, pot flaps, bag, crochet corals).

2 years ago

The thread should be guided exactly in the other direction 2x around the index finger.

That’s how my hand would scratch.

It comes from the side of the backing between the small finger and the ring finger, runs through the index finger and the middle finger, comes up again between the middle finger and the index finger and is placed twice around the index finger, so that the thread lies ahead and not behind the index finger.

In this posture, the thread tension can be easily regulated by hand.

2 years ago

There are different ways to hold the thread. Most wrap him 2x around the index finger. With me, the crochet piece is always very firm, so I only use this technique for small animals.

Otherwise I hold the thread as on the picture

So I can better influence the thread tension and keep the hand quite normal.

What I want to say with it, you can try out different techniques to keep up and see if you get cramped or if one works better for you.

2 years ago

So when fishing, when rolling the cord on the roll, you can go through the cord between a book (or otherwise where) so that there is some tension, but don’t know if it really helps….

2 years ago

Sometimes the general sitting position helps to relax the area of the shoulders/arms/hands.

You could also underlay a cushion or something similar for the left arm (so that the forearm/ wrist is supported).

It also helps me to move this holding hand over and over again at irregular intervals.

Are you very focused on thread tension?

2 years ago
Reply to  CH007EH

Depending on how to hold the tread etc, this happens, yes.

I think everyone will find their own way to cope with it.

Sometimes my crocheting goes enormously into my fingers and wrists. Mostly, when I’m generally tensed, I’m under pressure.

In the meantime, I often only crochet up to 10 minutes, then do something else or relax my hands and arms.