Linke Brust tut weh, was ist es?
seid ungefähr Nh Woche (vielleicht auch länger) tut mir die linke Brust weh wenn ich so dran komme. Im Spiegel sieht die auch leicht größer aus aber kann nicht genau sagen weil es vielleicht auch wegen dem Licht ist. Meine Mutter meinte das wir nicht zum Frauen artzt gehen weil das wegen der Pubertät ist. Könnte es an der Pubertät liegen? (Bin 13)
Yeah, that’s puberty, the hormone conversion is in full swing.
Even before the occurrence of the period, the breasts can hurt, which is the premenstrual syndrome.
It can come through an estrogen excess caused by the hormone conversion, the chest tensions and pain.
Please do not apply breast massage and wear a well-fitted bra.
If that doesn’t improve, make an appointment with a gynecologist for advice.
Good for you.
Thank you for the ⭐s no good for you.
Yeah, it can happen that your chest is growing.
It is quite normal that during breast growth the breasts hurt and are sensitive. Usually only one breast grows, rarely both grow simultaneously and never immediately. So don’t worry until you get symptoms of inflammation, you should ask your mum to visit a gynecologist again.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Yeah, my girlfriend has it more often. Maybe look for a breast massage on YouTube and try to apply it to yourself 🙂
Can be at puberty, yes, the probability is great.
You can go to the female doctor on your own.
Puberty -> Growth
Very normal