Linear factorization?
Linear factor decomposition
Is there a page or something similar somewhere that explains why linear factorization leads back to the old quadratic equation?
If anyone knows, I would be very happy for an explanation.
Linear factor decomposition
Is there a page or something similar somewhere that explains why linear factorization leads back to the old quadratic equation?
If anyone knows, I would be very happy for an explanation.
Hello everyone! For a project, I conducted a t-test (Does the mental health of group 1 differ from that of group 2?). Now I have to control for gender. Do I have to run the test once for all women in groups 1 and 2 and once for all men in groups 1 and 2,…
I have two math number puzzles that I only have to write down and not solve. The first is: The product of a number and 2.5 is 8 times greater than twice a second number. Five times the second number is 2 times less than four times the first. I thought: I 2.5x + 8…
Hello, I'm looking for a good laptop for my computer science studies. The brand doesn't matter. Ideally, it shouldn't cost more than €500. Thanks for any answers. 🙂
I have as input a number x and a number n, each with 8 bits. I want to implement the following function f(x) = (x * 2^-n) rounded up I know that (x/2) rounded simply means one shift to the right. But I'm wondering what the smartest way to round up is. I can think…
So by surface area we mean 2x(axb+axc+bxc)
Why doesn't he charge me for this??? I can't even find this error message on the error list. Everything's actually correct. Even though I've saved it as a function, it still doesn't work. Can someone please help me :(?
Der Grund ist die Gültigkeit des Fundamentalsatzes der Algebra, der aussagt, dass jedes nicht konstante Polynom in der komplexen Zahlenebene genauso viele Wurzeln hat wie sein Grad
wieso kommt man von x² + 6x + 9 wieder auf (x+3)² ? Es ist halt so .
Mach dir die Reihenfolge der Benennung klar
aus x² + x – 12 kann man (x +3)(x-4) herstellen . Und diese beiden Faktoren nennt man eben Linearfaktoren
Erst die Zerlegung ,dann die Benennung . Dann ergibt sich der Rückweg von selbst
Ja schon, finde es halt einfach sehr interessant, dass genau die beiden Nullstellen auf die quadratische Funktion zurückführen
ach das : dann musst du leider dich mit Aurels Antwort auseinandersetzen . Die erklärt es tiefgründig
Setzt voraus ,dass man die qua Glg = Null setzt