Linear oder tactile tastatur kappen?

Hey möchte mir die logitech tastatur kaufen (ein bild ist unten zu finden) und es gibt 2 verschiedene modelle meine frage wäre es ob man den unterschied einer tactile switch fest zur linear merkt und ob es sich lohnt mehr zu zahlen für die linear habt ihr erfahrung damit? Danke für die antworten

hier das bild 🙂

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1 year ago

First of all you confuse something because there are no linear or tactile button caps. The caps come on top, the switches generate tactile feedback when present and are below.

Otherwise, this is just a question you prefer to find a lot of linear switches to play better, but not necessarily all. They are not better or worse than tactile switches per se.

If you’re not sure you can buy and try a Switch Tester, for example here. A little more expensive, but they have a lot of choice.×3

1 year ago

You have to try it yourself, we can’t tell you which switches you like best

1 year ago
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