Purple streaks on the nipple?

Well, I've had cracked, pale purple streaks starting from one nipple for a while now.

Just for your information, I'm only 12 years old and have relatively large breasts for my age, but my nipples are also very sensitive and I'm overweight.

Because of my age, I don't have anything to do with gynecologists and such.

Can someone please help me

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2 years ago

Wow, how kindly some users are here (pony).

Well, that could be on your connective tissue, that just happens, you can’t change it. It fades with time. By the way, this does not have too much to do with the weight, but with the speed of tissue growth and the strength of the connective tissue.

However, it could also be a vein that you can see, through the skin, it is bluish or even purple.

In case of doubt, you can also show this to your pediatrician who is familiar with growth.