Like Chicken in Heißluftfritteuse?
Ich wollte fragen ob man vegane Produkte von zb. Like Chicken, vegane Mühlensachen usw. gut in einer Heißluftfritteuse machen kann? Habt ihr vielleicht selber schonmal ausprobiert und könnt eine Empfehlung geben, wie lange und auf welcher Temperatur man das ganze machen könnte.
With this chemical cocktail, as always the case with fake meat, I would be very careful about heating. This is a good expensive biohun better and more genuine and healthier. It’s more rare to eat.
it was clear that another 50+ person has to come and talk about chemiepampe, let it be easy and eat your flesh but annoy others not thank
Not yet in the airfryer, but sometimes threw it in the oven. Is crisp, but does not need as much oil as in the pan
So think the airfryer’s going too. Testing 🤷 ♀️
okay I’ll look thank you
Here we go.
You can do it in the hot air frituse, but it won’t be good.
I have to say I tried it and it was not different from the pan or oven
I didn’t contest that either.
Of course, was it ever different?
Then everything is done.
and I just tried it myself and it convinced me
It’s not tragic because you’ve already received enough answers that fit you.
I have already written in the penultimate commentary, your answer could refer to the issue but also to the more detailed in the text afterwards, as I assume that you have left my question completely and then answer the whole thing that seems to have not been done here. I think everyone understood the question as she was meant, but unfortunately not you, I’m sorry.
This isn’t what’s going on. The question can be answered differently.
If you want to know if it is technically possible to do something, you should specifically ask.
but you did not answer it, even though it is, others have confirmed.
I have your (not very well formulated) question
The question you wanted to ask, you’d have to ask for answers.
I wanted to ask if you had vegan products from zb. Like Chicken, vegan mill stuff, etc. can do well in a hot air frituse?
But here
I didn’t say anything, “That’s not possible,” nor did I say it was less good as in oven or pan.
well you say no, that is not possible and I already feel that it works as it works in oven or pan
so I’ve made the carving more often at 200 degrees for 3-5 minutes
cool then I try this out today