Liegt Thailand eigendlich an einem Ozean oder Meer?
Man liest oft und hört das Thailand an Indischen Ozean liegt. Wenn ich mir die Karte anschaue sind da nur das Golf von Thailand und das Andamanische Meer.
Also liegt Thailand sterngenommen nicht an einem Ozean oder ?
Thailand is located both by the sea and by the ocean. It borders in the west to the Andamanic Sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean, and in the south to the Gulf of Thailand, which is an edge sea of the South China Sea, which in turn is part of the Pacific Ocean. Thailand therefore has coastlines both on the Indian Ocean and on the Pacific Ocean.
Best regards
The South Region lies on the long-awaited Malay peninsula, the Pacific Ocean of Indians Ocean separates.
What sea is it in Thailand?
Thailand is located in Southeast Asia surrounded by Gulf of Thailand, the Andaan Sea and the Indian Ocean. The country borders on Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia.
Thailand: Holiday in the Land of Smiling | Mountains & Sea
Yes, surrounded by Indian Ocean, but strangely there are only seas
What’s the difference? The seas between the continents differ from size, salt content and tides. When a sea is so large that it separates continents, it is an ocean. The largest of them is the Pacific, the second largest of the Atlantic and the smallest of the Indian Ocean.