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1 is a 1.333 (4/3)
a 1-2 is a 1.5
Theoretically a 1.40 is therefore denser of a 1-, but practically many also expect 1.30 instead of 4/3! And even at 1.44, you could turn to 1.4.
The difference is therefore margnal!
A 1– is 1.25 in decimal numbers.
Just like a 2+ is a 1.75. Some also round this up and expect 1.3 and 2.8.
In the upper stage there are up to 15 points, i.e. a 3rd classification per note. This automatically results in 1⁄3 notes, even in official conversion!
MMn is not common in most BL! But there are exceptions!
“2+ is a “full”Goodand 2– a “even yet”Good. In the case of the use of descending points, for example, a 1.7 corresponds to a 2+ and a 2.3 corresponds to a 2−. In some federal states (e.g. Baden-Württemberg) the “+” or “−” is evaluated as an exact quarter note; a “2+” then corresponds to 1.75 and a 2− of 2.25. A ‘1 to 2’ (also ‘1–2’ or ‘1/2’) corresponds to a decimal note of 1.5. In some types of school (e.g. vocational schools in Baden-Württemberg), decimal numbers may be awarded as a note with a post office.” level
Of course there are half grades such as 2.5 and sometimes also in the half-year grade in exams. 2-3. I even pictured a corresponding note key with this question:
Who says that, I’m reading it for the first time! We always had half grades (1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.5 etc). These +/– grades did not exist at school!
In the certificate, of course, all grades were rounded.
There is usually no +/- on testimonials, which apparently depends on the federal state. But it is possible to write a corresponding note for example on class work (possibly also depending on the BL).
In any case, there would be a 2.5 a 2-3, which does not exist! In this respect, your 1⁄4 division would have a gap again and again! 1,75 2,0 2,25 — 2,75 3,0 etc. That would be pretty stupid!
In other countries there is a 20 system! DA can also be distributed 1⁄4 notes!
In D there is an official 1⁄3 classification (for the upper stage), which is also transferred to the middle stage. If your teachers told you something else, it was wrong on the one hand, and on the other hand, because every teacher creates his own notes!
Logically, there you only calculate with 6 notes and not with 15. There is also no note “1+” on RS.
However, I would certainly be in favour of introducing the score system at all schools because it is the better score.
Then you think that 2+ at the RS is something different than at the gym…
Up to the 10th grade, however, there is no point system, and there are no real schools.
1-2 normally.
But, teachers do not just mathematical rounding. If you good behavior it may be that your teacher converts a 1.4 into a 1.
~ ajkcdajefiu
In the semi-annual product it is likely to be a 1–2. However, 1.4 in the final product is still rounded to “very good”.
At a 1.4, you’re on the one.
At a 1.5 is rounded = 2
I think the same thing is xd
1 = 1.3
1-2 = 1.5
Same distance.