Liegt das Geschlecht des Kindes an den Genen der Eltern?
Kann es teilweise damit zusammenhängen?
Meine Eltern haben zwei Söhne, mein Cousin hat drei Kinder alles Mädchen.
Besteht möglicherweise eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit dass mehrere Kinder das gleiche Geschlecht haben weil das in den Genen liegt ?
That would be new to me.
As far as I know, the chance for young or girls is exactly 50/50 for each individual child.
Depending on whether the X or the Y chromosome is included in the mother/father mix
Actually, it depends on the father. There is never exactly a 50/50 chance. Most men produce almost the same number of sperms with X and Y chromosome. However, there are also men whose testicles produce significantly more sperm with X or Y chromosome. In the extreme case, the testicles almost entirely produce a variety.
No, a preference is not genetic. It’s a coincidence every time.
The father has an X and a Y chromosome. He’s veering one of them. The probability is 50%. If he inherits an X chromosome, it becomes a female, a male in a Y chromosome. In any case, the woman inherits an X chromosome.
No, this is pure coincidence that spermium has reached the target.