Lieferando Fahrer schreibt mich auf privater Nummer an und pöbelt, was machen?
ich habe vorhin mal auf Lieferando Essen bestellt. Wie immer direkt mit ApplePay bezahlt und auch Trinkgeld in der App gegeben. Hat damit angefangen, dass der Lieferant das Geld von mir bar wollte, obwohl auf der Rechnung auch gestanden ist, dass schon bezahlt wurde. Dann hat er Trinkgeld verlangt und ich habe gesagt, dass ich es in der App schon gegeben habe (s. Anhang).
Auf einmal schreibt er mir grade auf meiner privaten Handynummer und beschwert sich bei mir, dass er kein Trinkgeld erhalten habe. Ist das nicht Datenmissbrauch oder so, abgesehen davon, dass es absolut frech ist?
Soll ich das einfach so stehen lassen, oder soll ich dem Restaurant Bescheid geben oder wäre das zu viel? Was würdet ihr machen? Ist mir noch nie passiert.
Hi,I won’t let sit on me,and in any case,the boss speak with evidence and repetition.Melden and so also,but in the end he doesn’t blame you(so supplier), try to explain this to him very nicely,no matter how he reacts in the chat,and even if he snaps out,not provoke but be nice and then block everything and show to the boss,so you could
(Hat at least one known time done so,and had probably helped)
Thank you.
But I’m just wondering if it’s better to go straight to the boss than write to the supplier🤔🧐
But in any case you should go to the boss
Info Restaurant, make the nix, possibly also police think. If you did everything right and he still wants money, isn’t it okay, I suppose you’re still quite young? (18-25)? I’m just wondering because he might think with such a little young, you can do that.
You should try to get such an employee out of traffic. He should get a job where he has no customer contact. What the guy did is an inconceivable stalking to a nice customer. Such an inconceivable case belonged to television.
Of course, his behavior is an unding and you should complain about it no matter what consequences this has for him.
At this point, I would only be interested in whether he gets the tip you paid. Maybe he was so acidified because in his eyes you were already the x-th customer without tip, but in reality the owner of this tip is sucking. It would be possible if he had no insight. However, this does not justify its behaviour and the demand for tipping is not allowed. Tipping is a voluntary donation.
Does anyone of you know whether the supplier also receives information about the tip payment?
I would write the owner of the store and deliverado immediately.
You should also refuse to order again.
I can’t.
So I mean the riders deserve really bad, but asking for drinking money is a shame too.
Block and report with evidence and he’s out of his job within a day.
What you’re giving me tip ^^ I’ve never given tip
was raised with the 10% rule ^^
Would complain to Deliveryando and to the company where you ordered
I would complain to Deliveryando or directly to the company where you ordered