Lied, das ihr mögt, obwohl es überhaupt nicht in euren Geschmack passt?
Passiert es euch auch manchmal, dass ihr ein Lied mögt, obwohl es gar nicht in euren normalen Musikgeschmack passt? Mir ist das bisher 1x passiert und ich blicke immer noch nicht wieso😅
Many songs by Hans Zimmer. Time is a pleasure for me.
Bushido – all lost
Hung up from Madonna.
And Can’t get you out of my head from Kylie Minogue.
Dance isn’t my style at all, but the two songs just tear.
Hans Blum – I can forgive you
Yes this:
Yeah, sometimes that happens.
My music taste is English-language pop and a song I currently hear does not fit in my music taste:
I hear music independent of the genre, but of course there are a few songs that stand alone in a certain genre.
Occasionally I hear Falco, that’s the only rapper I hear.
Such songs would always be to my taste.
Jup, I had the thoughts first, almost a philosophical question😂
I hear what I want.
And that doesn’t have to fit my taste.
I sway between German rap, heavy metal, on the guitar I love Bach pieces, then K-Pop, American folk á la Bob Dylan… life is more beautiful when the music taste is divers.
Deeply Under Meeer Deep Under Meeeer Disney Songs
No! I have no “normal music taste” anyway.
Well, I don’t😂