Lied analysieren Beautiful Girl?


Ich schreibe bald eine Arbeit über Lyrik und habe ein Lied analysiert Beautiful Girl von Luciano als Übung.

Da es niemanden gibt, der mein Text kontrollieren kann schicke ich es hier.

Ps. bin nicht so gut daran…

sorry wegen meine Schrift, habe mich beeilt…

Ich bitte euch um ein ehrliches Feedback, was gut und schlecht mir gelungen ist und hoffentlich habt ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Vielen Dank

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10 months ago

I already lost the pleasure of reading at the second sentence: “This is acting …” – who are you talking about? Luciano? Unfortunately, this is not the only sponsor who confused the reader.

Next, I am disturbed by “It’s clearly about …” and “I’m claiming …”.

Before that it is helpful to describe the formal structure. I’m sure it’s a little more accurate than “… is divers”. How many verses does every verse have? Two examples are not enough.

Next, you can call facts about the content, so the concrete action or direct statement of the text. Stylish used, noticeable words and sentence building are also included.

Only then can you start with your interpretation and make guesses, but all of them have to be documented. But I think that’s already breaking the frame of an analysis.