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A bit sharp may be happy;)
LG your finger
Tabascososse’s got to go all over it, all the cakes and ice cream.
it may be sharp, but must also taste good. These so many Souville things do not irritate me at all.
A curry from my favorite Thai is wonderful, which tastes and frees the sinuses by the way, at least from 2/3 chilischoten on the map. Those who are endangered of suicide can also order 4 chilli, that is a real country kitchen and burns most 2x, some failing on the way down.
I accidentally got a curry that was meant for my own family, hui, I was warm! I got the dessert on the house, nice too.
Was still delicious, absolutely and I also enslaved nix but that was really my limit 😀
Thai, Indian, Vietnamese or a Sri Lankan curry.
I like sharply seasoned food when sharpening fits to the dish (cook this also to yourself)
It may be “burning”, but you should not only taste sharpness but the dish ;-))
….and that’s exactly what the Asians you mentioned are getting excellent.
Eben, it also tastes so delicious;-))
There are also exceptions. In Sri Lanka, a friend (local) gave me something to try, that was so hot that I started red and had a “outbreak of tears”.
He then laughed stupid and stupid (but I had to laugh), but never did it to me anymore
So it is, Kumar is a comedian anyway;-))
These are the small spices of the Singharead :-)))
Yes I like hot food, but not everywhere, Tabasco or Jalapenos must be on it. Pizza or fast food likes, otherwise not.
Normally spicy. You don’t have to hit the flames out of your pants if you have to pupe…
the pups only have to ignite then does not need to eat sharply))
I like it sharp but the sharpness should not overdo the taste of the food
From time to time, a spoon of Sambal Oelek is already fine.
Everything. I also love sharp challenges. Next I would like to order the sharpest Asian Noodles from Korea on the Internet.
I like sharp food as long as it’s not extremely sharp.
I like eating hot. But I don’t eat it every day.
No! If it’s “sharp”, you taste nothing more!
Mainly Indian, Thai and Indonesian dishes that I cook myself.
…and delicious :-)))
This has no own taste but simply tastes sharp and boring
Depends on it, there are many sharp dishes that taste great. Only those who are completely exaggerated will remain on the track.
I don’t get any hot food from my stomach.
When I flee, I have to fight against a wall to preserve my masculinity
If it is pleasantly sharp or very happy about it!
Only stupid-threeth sharpness doesn’t have to be….
I just like it normal
Sometimes yes, but not too exaggerated.
Jap, super delicious 🙂
Easy Geill 😋😋😋
That’s what I’m avoiding like the devil