Liebesfilm tränen fließen?
Ich brauche einen Film den besten den es gibt wo tränen fließen werden. Was wirklich einen beim zuschauen zerbrechen lässt. So richtig zum heulen bringt. Titanic war so ein Okey am Ende bisschen geweint
Brauche was krasseres.
Griffin & Phoenix
For me one of the best Rome dramas of recent years.
Otherwise, I can give The Green Mile. Here I also shed many tears…
I would simply recommend the classics:
Of course, it always depends on how close you are to tears.
Past Lives – In another Life (2023)
This final scene in the cinema had all the damp eyes at the time.
The classic: from the wind
12 Years A slave is really amazing.
Lost in Translation (2003)
The notebook!