Lieber nur 1 richtig gutes Messer für sagen wir 99 € oder ein Messerset für 99€?
Weil oft schneidet man ja ohnehin immer mit dem selben Messer…
Hab mal weniger gegessen jetzt aber wieder viel zu viel hab in zwei Tagen eine ganze mmmax schokolade von Milka gegessen zu meinen normalen Mahlzeiten fühl mich so ekelhaft irgendwie wie kann ich wieder weniger essen
Ich liebe reis und zum Glück soll das sehr gut sein fürs Muskeln aufbauen und zunehmen das will ich ja, das mit der Definition weiß ich nicht ob reis es schadet oder verbessert. Aufjedenfall würde ich vortschritte bekommen wenn ich fast jeden tag reis esse? Ja ich weiß Hähnchen und Fleisch auch sehr wichtig aber…
Die Haferflocken haben ein Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum bis zum 11.10.2023 und sind originalverpackt. Sind sie noch genießbar und wenn ja, gibt es große Vitamin-Verluste? Danke
Ein übermäßiger Verzehr von Fleisch, egal, um welche Sorte es sich handelt, ist schlecht für die Gesundheit aber auch für die Schönheit. Ich esse persönlich nur maximal einmal in der Woche Fleisch, und maximal einmal eine halbe Sucuk in der Woche. Mich würde interessieren, wie oft ihr Fleisch esst.
Hallo, meine Schwester hat morgen Küchendienst in der Mensa in ihrer Schule. Sie weiß nicht ob sie ein bauchfreies Top anziehen darf, oder ob das unhygienisch ist. Vielleicht weiß ja einer von euch eine Antwort. Danke im Voraus.
I bought a good big carbon steel knife for about 100 years ago. Wide blade wooden handle, well balanced, good tip and sharp as sau. When the sharpening leaves, 2x pulled through the sharpener and it goes back through like butter. I’ve got a little knife, but I’ll use it more and less. A good knife and a good sniper technique is everything you need.
I’ve also been using nem Hackebeil, like the Chinese, and the other one’s doing better with me.
We have two carbon steel knives, which are at least 50 years old. Of course with wooden handle. There was no plastic at all. And as a peeling knife windmill knife. They’re unsurpassed, I think.
Really? You don’t have a weft?
We must be able to do this with the weft steel, otherwise we simply wear material. I got a little thing for 3.50. there are some metal discs in there. 2x pull through and I have a blitzeblanke 1.5 mm sharp cutting edge
I have very high-quality expensive knives. In doubt, you’ll get 3 pieces! Maybe only two.
Makes much more sense than many. It must be good in hand. You have to be able to use it blindly.
I meanwhile
🤣 #metoo
It’s not even a long time. My favorite knife has just 12cm blade length and “weighs” great in vegetables. Even meat is really fun.
I liked a Santoku knife with 16cm long ago.
Know enough people who have 9-10 “tolle” knives hanging in the block or on the wall and then use a small one with shaft grinding *gg*
You say it, you usually use only 1 knife.
Take a good one Then you cut almost everything and it will last forever.
My mother has 1 knife she got from my father before my birth (I am now 35 years old) and she still uses it.
Yeah, we have two old knives, they’re over 50 years old. But usually I always use the same because it’s a bit better.
when I read the answers so, I wonder how someone is holding onions with a 25cm long cooking knife, stealing strawberries, or cutting meat/brate with a “fipsty” vegetable knife! Yes, some cut herbs with such a short part, but is the purpose and purpose of an appropriate knife insert?
I have a knife block with medium-priced knives, which are also used for what I need them all! A wetz steel for erecting the Grates is indispensable, but then the knife is through the tomato, before the tomato realizes that it goes to the “Kragen”😂!
Even the most expensive knife does not always have to be the best.
Depends on what you use the knife.
On the Internet you will find good comparisons with all knives you should have in the household.
Then go where household goods are sold like knives and take the knives in your hands and what you like best, you buy them.
You don’t order expensive knives on the Internet, you would find the same thing you already had.
What else: expensive knives are washed by hand and not with the dishwasher.
For 99 euros you can buy 2 to 3 good knives, although not “High End”.
In any case, the quality of each knife is better than that of the knife from a whole knife block for 99 euros.
I have knives, none of which has been more expensive than about 30 euros and which I have been using for years.Messers do not belong to the dishwasher for example and you should also pay attention to the material from which the base is cut.
Always use only good knives!!!