Lieber Kunst oder Musik wählen?
ich bin aktuell 9. Klasse und muss mir überlegen, ob ich nächstes Jahr Kunst oder Musik weiter machen möchte. Alle anderen wissen es irgendwie schon, aber ich hab keinen Plan.
In Kunst bin ich eher nicht so gut, wenn ich nicht genügend Zeit habe. Also ich kann an sich gut zeichnen, aber nur mit viieellll Zeit. Deswegen sind meine Bilder im Kunstunterricht mehr so naja. Allerdings ist Kunst halt entspannt.
Und Musik mag ich nicht so, aber an sich ist es alt nur auswendig lernen und so… also nicht so schwer gute Noten zu bekommen. Ich mach auch in meiner Freizeit Musik und hör immer Musik, wenn ich kann 🙂 Aber MusikUNTERRICHT ist so gar nicht meins.
Naja, jetzt tendiere ich zu Kunst, aber bin mir nicht so sicher.
Was sind eure Erfahrungen und was würdet ihr empfehlen?
Danke schonmal für hilfreiche Antworten 🙂
I’m a great art fan because my art teacher could teach me art. At once it did “click” and then … “wow!!!” 🙂
Therefore, I actually chose art at the time, although I was absolutely enthusiastic about music and am – even working in the music industry.
Still, I love art! And for painting, drawing, etc. it is not at all in art. And that’s what I mean by “providing art”… < my "eye-opener" was that I simply had the simplest (!), the most ugly (!), the most smeared (!) "apple tree" - on which I had no pleasure - after 20 minutes in a double hour of art and then I'm out to the schoolyard... ignorantly set ala "Pfff! Don't fuck! I'll get a six!"
I got a “1”! My art teacher hated the “apple tree” task and made it with his students for 40 years. But NOCH NIE has painted a pupil (= I) such a different-eyed, characteristic, lustless and ugly tree! < << that has ER very " Celebrated" XD Why? Because "KUNST!"
You already have your answer:D
Had both relatively long. As in music also a bit about theory, in the upper stage of art it was also a bit about art theory or Story and not just wild on it. But from this side I found art more interesting. I was able to keep music well because I played piano and my teacher was also pianist and had a little sympathy advantage
But both compartments have their heights and depths
Personally, I would prefer art, but if you already like music privately, go into you and make a pro and contralist for both. And ask for older pupils what topic was later.
In your case, definitely art! It’s more creative! Maybe you can find yourself in it someday and it’s easy for you to get out of your hand!??
Music is art with sound, so also creative😅
But musically creative it is already in leisure! So she can expand her treasure by art!!
I made a lot of fun